Update: The Counterfeit Kpro was bought off an apparently "genuine" tuning & parts supplier in Australia. Thus far, the matter has not been resolved and according to correspondence with Lemmiwinks, the registered business from where the Kpro was bought, has been unwilling to help. It has been two weeks with no resolution.
I don't know about you, but as a company, if I had unknowingly charged a customer for a counterfeit Kpro I would immediately rectify the problem by replacing the unit immediately.
Not very happy at all. This company will not be named as of yet, as I will contact them directly tomorrow to figure out the next course of action. Who knows, a phone call could solve this whole problem and instil confidence in this organizations customer service. If not, they have a bloody lot to loose by a very small community catching wind that they distribute fake Kpros and don't honour their clientèle by replacing the unit.
I don't know about you, but as a company, if I had unknowingly charged a customer for a counterfeit Kpro I would immediately rectify the problem by replacing the unit immediately.
Not very happy at all. This company will not be named as of yet, as I will contact them directly tomorrow to figure out the next course of action. Who knows, a phone call could solve this whole problem and instil confidence in this organizations customer service. If not, they have a bloody lot to loose by a very small community catching wind that they distribute fake Kpros and don't honour their clientèle by replacing the unit.