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Time To Calm Down On The Road ...Some Tips Please

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    Search "crash commercial" on Youtube. Our sensors deem European driver awareness programs too harsh for our televisions but I'm pretty sure the UK and Danish ones will make you feel sick to your stomach. I know they had a huge effect on me when I watched them. Think Final Destination in your ad breaks.


      Originally posted by m0nty View Post
      Search "crash commercial" on Youtube. Our sensors deem European driver awareness programs too harsh for our televisions but I'm pretty sure the UK and Danish ones will make you feel sick to your stomach. I know they had a huge effect on me when I watched them. Think Final Destination in your ad breaks.
      already watched it a few nights ago man is that the one with the evenescence song in the back ground ? if so it so sad ! it gave me goose bumps


        Originally posted by tofu View Post
        i don't know if this has been said before (I can't be bothered reading old posts) but it just seems like you're (the thread starter) trying to find excuses and justify your actions. Time to grow up and take responsibility for your actions. I hate people who think what is done is done and so be it. It doesn't work that way.
        Just because you said you are a hoon doesn't make it all ok.
        i know me saying im a hoon doesnt make it all ok but u know wat they say...admitting you have a problem is a start to a cure


          yeah i can appreciate that, but you must also understand and take in the reality of what it is you have done wrong.


            Originally posted by tofu View Post
            yeah i can appreciate that, but you must also understand and take in the reality of what it is you have done wrong.
            broken the law and got off light...ive risked alot of me im is to important to give away behind the wheel of a car


              Originally posted by typeS View Post
              No you deserve to have your car impounded with a suspension of 12 months minimum. Only there and then you will start to learn, when you will realise driving is a privilege not a right.

              Getting off with 20 over is a joke. 130 in a 50 zone, which would have most likely been a residential street. Are you insane?
              it was a stand still from my wasnt a constant speed i was accelerating like an idiot....theres no excuse...


                Ok - you already know and admit you are an idiot. Now it's step two - learn to say no.

                If you can't do that: buy a cheap bunky for day to day driving. Reserve the R for a treat. Park the bunky between the R and the road.
                In WA you would have had the car impounded. Third time they crush it! Damn good law.

                And do track days. after doing a track day a month, you will find speeding on normal roads is just no fun or challenge at all.

                You could try a trick a friend was put to by his uncle. A cow bell on a flat surface, and drive so it doesn't make a noise! That is, drive to different targets.


                  Originally posted by Ian aka anjin View Post
                  Ok - you already know and admit you are an idiot. Now it's step two - learn to say no.

                  If you can't do that: buy a cheap bunky for day to day driving. Reserve the R for a treat. Park the bunky between the R and the road.
                  In WA you would have had the car impounded. Third time they crush it! Damn good law.

                  And do track days. after doing a track day a month, you will find speeding on normal roads is just no fun or challenge at all.

                  You could try a trick a friend was put to by his uncle. A cow bell on a flat surface, and drive so it doesn't make a noise! That is, drive to different targets.
                  considering buyin a 3cyl charade or a festiva or somethin....cause i dont wanna use the R as a daily anymore anyway it will build up to many ks


                    i nearly had an accident when i was 18 . thats when i learnt to slow down cos i could've died.

                    now i'm much older, i dont do 'stupid' speeds in slow zones purely because i cannot live in melbourne without a car. no car, no life. probably the same in sydney.

                    if u wanna gun it, do as i do, and drive all the way to the freeway entrance and gun it down the on ramp.

                    I also tend to shift gears at quite low rpm, and quickly, so i'm cruising on 5th asap. this means if i wanna put my foot down, the car won't go anywhere, and i'll just end up cruising cos i cbfed downshifting.

                    if someone wants to race me, and i know they're gonna kick ass, i dont even bother cos i'm wasting petrol.
                    Last edited by SpecJ; 21-10-09, 11:08 PM.


                      Originally posted by SpecJ View Post
                      i nearly had an accident when i was 18 . thats when i learnt to slow down cos i could've died.

                      now i'm much older, i dont do 'stupid' speeds in slow zones purely because i cannot live in melbourne without a car. no car, no life. probably the same in sydney.

                      if u wanna gun it, do as i do, and drive all the way to the freeway entrance and gun it down the on ramp.

                      I also tend to shift gears at quite low rpm, and quickly, so i'm cruising on 5th asap. this means if i wanna put my foot down, the car won't go anywhere, and i'll just end up cruising cos i cbfed downshifting.

                      if someone wants to race me, and i know they're gonna kick ass, i dont even bother cos i'm wasting petrol.
                      thanks man ill keep that in mind


                        hey OP how old are you?

                        when i was around 18- 20 i use to do stupid shit but i had a shit box pulsar so i didnt really speed just do handbrake jobs and burnouts, was fun until i hit the gutter, lesson learnt i dont do that shit no more but yeah just be careful man
                        Blaze Orange


                          Originally posted by DC2RKID View Post
                          broken the law and got off light...ive risked alot of me im is to important to give away behind the wheel of a car
                          You will only realise this when you experience it yourself. I nearly died in a car accident. Was in ICU for 5 days.
                          The experience seriously changed my perception of life.

                          What I thought was important wasn't anymore. What I thought wasn't important became number 1 priority in my life.

                          When you say that you live for your car, and you risked your job and can't make repayments etc, that crap doesn't matter when you get the BIGGEST WAKE UP CALL you will ever get if you write yourself off


                            last year, i totally disregarded the road rules.... didnt give a fuck...
                            any way, being a noob (just turned 18 at the time) i had an accident with my friend in the car, my absolutely immaculate (and uninsured.... yep) dc5r which i bought maybe not even 3 months earlier, was upside down on the side of the road, i was devastated...

                            now i look back and i think got off easy... i could have killed my friend, myself and other road user's.... yes i lost a lot of money but it has taught me a lesson: dont drive like a dick on the road and make sure you have insurance...

                            even in a straight line, things aren't that safe... anything could happen, a few weeks ago i watched a r32 gtr lose control and narrowly avoided oncoming traffic before running into a poll, there was oil on the road!

                            here's some vids to help deter you (may disturb some viewers)

                            cliff: roll your car and you'll be to scared to drive fast lol

                            hey at least he understands that its silly and dangerous guys and is doing something about it, not just being like "ya gotta die from something" or "shit happens".
                            k20A DC2R


                              bro Ive lost my licence 7 times, been suspended for longer than what ive actually been driving for & been defected oh so many times over & over again.

                              The best thing that happened to me was the police marked my car as a narcotic transport vehicle, what this meant is basically every time i drove anywhere i would get pulled over & searched so what this initially led to was me behaving alot more on the roads becuase i knew the po po was comming but i didnt want to give them more of a reason to pull me over in regards to hooning etc

                              Have since sold that car, changed number plates, changed registered owner to a company name, got a section 10 to clear my record, havent had any problems since and now its almost a habbit for me to drive normally.

                              If this doesnt work just drive stoned, you will be so parranoid that your not doing stuff right & that your gonna get pulled over you will natrullay drive slow!


                                LOL K20, I found this vid while going through the ones you posted


