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Blackest Mofo with a DC5R

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    lets just say, for insurance purposes, your indicators WERE on

    But yes, from behind, should be leaving enough space, plus it was a landcruiser, i hate landcruisers and all 4WD style cars. so his fault!
    1995 Honda Civic EG (K20)
    1998 Nissan 180SX Type X (SR20)
    2010 Volkswagen Golf GTI (Emission Monster)

    F1 Nut


      Going by what you've described the 4WD has a bit of a case to explain.
      Like Cars For Hope | |


        Is the indicator bulb broken?
        Sounds like a dumb question, but if it is & they weren't on, it's pretty easy to tell if you're bullshiting.
        When the bulb is smashed the tungsten filiment will burn out & tiny beads of glass will be present.
        You'll need to replicate that if you're going to go that way.
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          Originally posted by Berty View Post
          Going by what you've described the 4WD has a bit of a case to explain.

          From past experiences and cases, it is VERY hard to be put at fault if you've sustained damage from the rear =P

          He should have been travelling at a "safe" distance behind you that will prevent any form of collision should a sudden stop be required..

          I've been involved in a similar accident in my mom's car with a girl P-plater (not suggesting any discrimination).. Basically, I was slowing down travelling 20km/h and the girl in front of me was waiting at the lights to turn left.. A pedestrian decided to J-walk as soon as the lights turned green so she suddenly braked. However, because I didn't leave enough room in between me and her, we collided. Even though it was tiny (she only sustained damage to her number plate...), her insurance made me pay $2200.

          But yeah... in your case, even if the landcruiser says "OHH but you shouldn't have braked like you did.. that was dangerous".. you tell him "you shouldn't have been tail gating me that close."

          But still... very sad to see it that damaged =[

          All the best bro...


            Originally posted by ob3d View Post

            From past experiences and cases, it is VERY hard to be put at fault if you've sustained damage from the rear =P

            He should have been travelling at a "safe" distance behind you that will prevent any form of collision should a sudden stop be required..

            I've been involved in a similar accident in my mom's car with a girl P-plater (not suggesting any discrimination).. Basically, I was slowing down travelling 20km/h and the girl in front of me was waiting at the lights to turn left.. A pedestrian decided to J-walk as soon as the lights turned green so she suddenly braked. However, because I didn't leave enough room in between me and her, we collided. Even though it was tiny (she only sustained damage to her number plate...), her insurance made me pay $2200.

            But yeah... in your case, even if the landcruiser says "OHH but you shouldn't have braked like you did.. that was dangerous".. you tell him "you shouldn't have been tail gating me that close."

            But still... very sad to see it that damaged =[

            All the best bro...
            The thing is I didn't brake at all lol.. Thanks for the comments and advice guys
            Shak's S2000


              Adrian is right. Ive been to alot of car accidents and have heard alot of excuses from patients on whos wrong and what. If the indicator was on, the heat from the filament will actally melt the small particles of glass shattered from impact and pretty much congeal on it. Its quite commonly used by alot of insurers to check if someone is making a false claim or accusation. Especially big cases where it involves trucks tansporting valuable items and damaging them through accidents.

              From memory, rules and regulations require drivers to keep a safe breaking distance. However in this case he was turning right and you can see from the picture the damage is on the right quarter region and not uniform throughout the rear bumper. Im not sure whether it would apply to his case, but ive seen alot of accidents caused by people not indicating and the person behind not payng attention. It ended up being both parties fualt. However im no professional and this matter is up to insurers assesor to investigate. Did you report this accident to the police?

              Last edited by Norm; 10-02-12, 05:58 PM.


                Originally posted by Norm View Post
                Adrian is right. Ive been to alot of car accidents and have heard alot of excuses from patients on whos wrong and what. If the indicator was on, the heat from the filament will actally melt the small particles of glass shattered from impact and pretty much congeal on it. Its quite commonly used by alot of insurers to check if someone is making a false claim or accusation. Especially big cases where it involves trucks tansporting valuable items and damaging them through accidents.

                From memory, rules and regulations require drivers to keep a safe breaking distance. However in this case he was turning right and you can see from the picture the damage is on the right quarter region and not uniform throughout the rear bumper. Im not sure whether it would apply to his case, but ive seen alot of accidents caused by people not indicating and the person behind not payng attention. It ended up being both parties fualt. However im no professional and this matter is up to insurers assesor to investigate. Did you report this accident to the police?

                Police was called immediately by the other guy. He didn't even get out of his car.. He also left his car in the middle of the intersection where it disturbed traffic passing by. When I would ask him politely to move his car aside he'd just say "No i'm waiting for the police". After waiting 2 hours for the police, I told the guy we've exchanged details and I am now going home. Chose to drive home instead of getting it towed. Worst drive home in my life I must say.. Got all kinds of looks from people

                Reported this to insurance today but gonna call them back tomorrow. Reporting it to the police tomorrow as well.
                Shak's S2000


                  Im not sure how it is over east but in WA you'll need to report the accident only. Did you manage to take as many photos with your camera at the scene? I hope you didnt apologise at the scene. Rule number 1, unless you need to, dont admit to anything. People will always go into defensive mode and start pointing the finger just so that they can intimidate you to thinking it was your wrong. And from then on.....they have you on the hook because you admitted it!



                    Originally posted by Shakeel View Post
                    The thing is I didn't brake at all lol.. Thanks for the comments and advice guys
                    This story is doing my head in..

                    Hmm.... Yeah I guess as Norm has said.. at the end of the day, it'll be up to the insurers... Disregard what I've said.

                    Just hope all goes well buddy...

                    The most important thing is that you weren't injured.. Accidents happen, but once you lose an arm or a leg.. it's hard to get those back.


                      Is this your first accident shak?


                        Originally posted by Hau View Post
                        Is this your first accident shak?
                        Yeah It is Hau
                        Shak's S2000


                          Damn, I know how you feel mate. I remember mine as if it was yesterday. I was all shaken up. The worst part was it was my fault and then 10days later got into another accident but this time the other guy ran a stop sign and i didnt have time to brake.

                          Your case its a bit hard to tell whos at fault. I wish you the best of luck mate and i hope to see the car on the road if its not a repairable write off.


                            Originally posted by Berty View Post
                            Going by what you've described the 4WD has a bit of a case to explain.
                            ahh, no
                            you slowed and turned without your indicator on?
                            what, is the guy behind you a mind reader?
                            are you a mind reader?
                            indicators are there for a reason, if you had yours on, there wouldn't be an issue,
                            you didn't, so unless it's double unbroken lines, he has every right to over take a slowing vehicle,
                            just the way i see it
                            02 Indy Yellow s2000::::::04 Arctic Blue Pearl DC5R::::::05 White B2600::::::10 Ibis White Q5


                              Originally posted by gunpoons View Post
                              ahh, no
                              you slowed and turned without your indicator on?
                              what, is the guy behind you a mind reader?
                              are you a mind reader?
                              indicators are there for a reason, if you had yours on, there wouldn't be an issue,
                              you didn't, so unless it's double unbroken lines, he has every right to over take a slowing vehicle,
                              just the way i see it
                              Yeah I understand all that.. I'm willing to say its half my fault if the other guy is willing to do the same.
                              Shak's S2000


                                then just pay, what i'm sure is an arse tearing excess bill, and chaulk it up to experiance, it hurts i know, but we've all been p-platers, and we've all made (incudinding myself) simple mistakes which have hurt our sky rockets,
                                i really do feel for you mate, i've been in your shoes, difference was my car was a 1982 honda accord vs a 1996 nissan pulsar
                                02 Indy Yellow s2000::::::04 Arctic Blue Pearl DC5R::::::05 White B2600::::::10 Ibis White Q5

