Originally posted by Pizzo321
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I installed my harness today, after procrastinating over "ideal" mounting angles, installing stress plates into the floor, custom making brackets etc i just ended up bolting it to the only place i could fit the eye bolt in, may not be ideal but it will do the job. Sorry for the rubbush picture quality, couldn't be bothered getting the SLR out after spending 3 hours clay barring/waxing the car

Eye bolt installed into seat belt bracket, not nearly far back enough for my liking but its the strongest place to put it.

Picture of the Harness in the car.

For some strange reason unbeknowest to me, Sparco like to put their shoulder strap holes in their seats to accomodate jockey midgets... I am not sure if this hole SHOULD always lie above your shoulder level but in my case it certainly doesn't. In the future i will use some kind of harness bar to get the harness at a nice angle, it certainly holds me in nicely though

In all honesty though, if i did pay full price for my Takata harness i would have bought something better like a Willans or Schrothe, While the Takata gets you bling points little things like the difficulty in adjusting strap length with the Takata does leave a bit to be desired.
Very much excite for Honda Nationals

P.S Timmy thanks for lending me your GoPro for my sessions, even though i havn't asked you yet hehe.