Little update.
Okay, car started pretty nicely in July. But crankshaft sensor was out, ECU showed one fault code. We measured wiring and they we're okay. New sensor on and shit still hit the fan. So.. Disassembling the timing cover and check few things, timing was right but the trigger wheel was facing backwards. Offcourse if wheel has text "outside", put that side to inside... Little assembling it works like a charm.
So i scheduled tuning for the car to friday, car was chosen to car show "CDLC Fitted Fest" which was on saturday.
So we packaged the on towing car went to Kotka, which is like 150km away from the garage. My friend ZOF started to tune the car. For tuning the idle took like 45min, it was pain in the ass to get idling nicely.
So car was strapped to dyno and real tuning work started.. Only after few tuning pulls, car started to leak loads of oil. "STOP!!!" "What a fuck just broke?"
Luckily, car shake a little bit because it has 95ah motor mounts, so every nut and bolt which in on the car, broke loose and two bolts on power steering pump's pressure line flew away and it burst off.. So easy fix.
Then the tuner started to rev it little bit higher. Friggin loud sound from the car when it started to rev, until tuner went WOT, then it sounds like motorbike without silencer. So friggin loud noise, when it revved to the revlimiter which was on 10000rpm on the tuning session. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Damn, it sounds like a real racecar. I like it a lot.
In one tuning pull on dyno, one rallycar race driver who was checking the tuning saw drop of e85 on fuel pressure regulator's boost nipple. Whaat! Hose to the nipple and other end to bottle and start the car. it burst like 1dl of e85 on bottle straightaway. So regulator's diaphragm was broke. So we couldn't get car tuned completely. So pack the car on towing car and straight to garage. My friend who does his car in same garage loaned me his diaphragm so i can go to Fitted Fest. Wohoo!
Oh Yeah! After 4 years, car runs without issues. Oh fawking yeah!
So we went to Lahti in the next morning, there was the Fitted Fest-show. Like 80km from our garage. Trip went fine, not even single problems. People just stared the car because it is so loud and the idle sounds nasty.
I even got TOP 5-trophy from there. Damn i was happy.
Thanks for the pics Nikke Korhonen Photography and Leevi Myyry.
Here is one video from driveby with like 1/8 of throttle. Damn it is loud with 3" exhaust and K-Tuned muffler.
It needs little bit of fixes before final tune and dynoing. Also i have started to looking for full carbon First Molding-hood, Voltex 1S- rear spoiler and Modulo skirt set.
Okay, car started pretty nicely in July. But crankshaft sensor was out, ECU showed one fault code. We measured wiring and they we're okay. New sensor on and shit still hit the fan. So.. Disassembling the timing cover and check few things, timing was right but the trigger wheel was facing backwards. Offcourse if wheel has text "outside", put that side to inside... Little assembling it works like a charm.
So i scheduled tuning for the car to friday, car was chosen to car show "CDLC Fitted Fest" which was on saturday.
So we packaged the on towing car went to Kotka, which is like 150km away from the garage. My friend ZOF started to tune the car. For tuning the idle took like 45min, it was pain in the ass to get idling nicely.
So car was strapped to dyno and real tuning work started.. Only after few tuning pulls, car started to leak loads of oil. "STOP!!!" "What a fuck just broke?"
Luckily, car shake a little bit because it has 95ah motor mounts, so every nut and bolt which in on the car, broke loose and two bolts on power steering pump's pressure line flew away and it burst off.. So easy fix.
Then the tuner started to rev it little bit higher. Friggin loud sound from the car when it started to rev, until tuner went WOT, then it sounds like motorbike without silencer. So friggin loud noise, when it revved to the revlimiter which was on 10000rpm on the tuning session. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Damn, it sounds like a real racecar. I like it a lot.
In one tuning pull on dyno, one rallycar race driver who was checking the tuning saw drop of e85 on fuel pressure regulator's boost nipple. Whaat! Hose to the nipple and other end to bottle and start the car. it burst like 1dl of e85 on bottle straightaway. So regulator's diaphragm was broke. So we couldn't get car tuned completely. So pack the car on towing car and straight to garage. My friend who does his car in same garage loaned me his diaphragm so i can go to Fitted Fest. Wohoo!
Oh Yeah! After 4 years, car runs without issues. Oh fawking yeah!
So we went to Lahti in the next morning, there was the Fitted Fest-show. Like 80km from our garage. Trip went fine, not even single problems. People just stared the car because it is so loud and the idle sounds nasty.
I even got TOP 5-trophy from there. Damn i was happy.
Thanks for the pics Nikke Korhonen Photography and Leevi Myyry.
Here is one video from driveby with like 1/8 of throttle. Damn it is loud with 3" exhaust and K-Tuned muffler.
It needs little bit of fixes before final tune and dynoing. Also i have started to looking for full carbon First Molding-hood, Voltex 1S- rear spoiler and Modulo skirt set.