More progress over the last couple of days and nights. On Tuesday the hose guy came to make me up the high pressure power steering hose, and a length of braided hose for the clutch. The clutch hose now runs to this nice bracket that the bloke supplied to support the hard line on the firewall:

Last night and the night before I had the glass fitted, with new seals for the windscreen and rear quarter windows. I've put the original windscreen back in as I ran out of time/money trying to source a new one with the correct bronze tint. That's a job for next year.

While I had the glass out I stripped off the strange clear film that Japanese people loved putting on their windows in the late 80s, the EF2 has the same stuff. Heaps of ammonia and a razor blade got it all off, but the glass looks good now:

Yesterday the radiator turned up from PWR. It matches up with my drawing, so any stuff ups or fitment issues are my fault.

It's a dual pass design, re-designed since the earlier pictures I posted, based on some suggestions from PWR. This layout seemed the best way to arrange it without the outlet running into the alternator or having stupid hose routing. I reduced the height slightly it so it can fit down beneath the upper radiator support, to make room on the front of the engine for future upgrades. There's provision for an OEM fan switch, and a single Spal 11" fan mounted on the passenger side to keep it cool when I'm cruising at walking pace down Chapel street.

I positioned the lower pins to use these existing holes in the lower radiator support, I'll just add some rubber inserts to support it, and make some brackets at the top hanging off the radiator support mounting bolts:

Tucked in there nicely:

On Tuesday night I also sketched up a revised version of the SPMS splitter bracket as their standard item interferes with my traction bar. No fault of theirs, just another difference between a D series ED CRX and my EF8. Here's what the normal bracket looks like:

Here's my slightly modified version mocked up in cardboard on the car. Will send it off to be laser cut tomorrow and then weld some nuts on the back side replicating the SPMS part.

That's about it up to now. This weekend I need to make up some radiator hoses, make a bunch of brackets, find a throttle cable and clutch MC reservoir, bleed the brakes and clutch, make sure everything is bolted down, get it running then maybe take it for a drive around the block.

Last night and the night before I had the glass fitted, with new seals for the windscreen and rear quarter windows. I've put the original windscreen back in as I ran out of time/money trying to source a new one with the correct bronze tint. That's a job for next year.

While I had the glass out I stripped off the strange clear film that Japanese people loved putting on their windows in the late 80s, the EF2 has the same stuff. Heaps of ammonia and a razor blade got it all off, but the glass looks good now:

Yesterday the radiator turned up from PWR. It matches up with my drawing, so any stuff ups or fitment issues are my fault.

It's a dual pass design, re-designed since the earlier pictures I posted, based on some suggestions from PWR. This layout seemed the best way to arrange it without the outlet running into the alternator or having stupid hose routing. I reduced the height slightly it so it can fit down beneath the upper radiator support, to make room on the front of the engine for future upgrades. There's provision for an OEM fan switch, and a single Spal 11" fan mounted on the passenger side to keep it cool when I'm cruising at walking pace down Chapel street.

I positioned the lower pins to use these existing holes in the lower radiator support, I'll just add some rubber inserts to support it, and make some brackets at the top hanging off the radiator support mounting bolts:

Tucked in there nicely:

On Tuesday night I also sketched up a revised version of the SPMS splitter bracket as their standard item interferes with my traction bar. No fault of theirs, just another difference between a D series ED CRX and my EF8. Here's what the normal bracket looks like:

Here's my slightly modified version mocked up in cardboard on the car. Will send it off to be laser cut tomorrow and then weld some nuts on the back side replicating the SPMS part.

That's about it up to now. This weekend I need to make up some radiator hoses, make a bunch of brackets, find a throttle cable and clutch MC reservoir, bleed the brakes and clutch, make sure everything is bolted down, get it running then maybe take it for a drive around the block.