Originally posted by SPL_K
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CITR Gym Thread
Originally posted by plAythiNG View PostI shoudln't have used the word "loading" as now re-reading my post it kinds seems like im demolishing a loaf of bread.
I have worked out my macros... from memory it was 190p/70f and eat carbs without going over 2200 calories per day.....
Originally posted by SPL_K View Postfr4n, how long have you been on IF and what's your calorie intake (deficit)? Sounds like you're getting good results. My friend had great results from it, he had been eating a caloric deficit for a few months but was unable to lose weight but once he jumped on to IF with the same caloric deficit he was able to shed 30kg odd.
itr5093 - Not a fan of artificial sugar. Coke Zero does claim to have 0 calories. I would avoid anything that I don't need. If you need a cheat meal, make sure it fits your macros... e.g. Steak and Potatoes (not fries). There have been a lot of talk regarding artificial sugar but there is no proof, you would be in taking a fair amount of sodium. Sodium, better known as salt, does not cause you to gain fat but it does let your body absorb more water due to osmosis.
Alex - Flaxseed oil tastes just a bit nutty, you can buy it at any pharmacy and put it in your fridge. You can try increasing your fats by adding olive oil or linseed meal to your food. Linseed meal is Flaxseed meal before it is grounded to an oil. Don't buy the actual Flaxseed/Linseed itself cause the oils are within the seed and you need to ground it to get the oils out but when you ground at it home you lose it all over your kitchenware so it's best to buy Linseed/Flaxseed meal and sprinkle it on your food!
A recipe I used to make when I tried to increase my fat is:
The calories and macros are approximates depending on how you make cook your food, etc. The weight are of cooked weights, not raw food.
*Half avocado (approx 100g) - 160 calories - 9g carbs/2g protein/15g fat/7g fibre
*150g Cooked Chicken - Grilled, poached however you do it - 280 calories - 1.5g carbs/49.5g protein/7.5g fats
*150g Steamed Broccoli - 51 calories - 10.5g carbs/4.5g protein/0g fats/4.5g fibre
*1 Tbl spoons of Sweet Chili Sauce (every Asian household has this! Try to find a Low Sugar one, they're very hard to come by) - 35 calories 8g carbs (sugar)
Totaling - 526 calories - 29g carbs/56g protein/22.5g fats/11.5g fibre
You can lower the portions to 100g - 415 calories - 25g carbs/38g protein/20g fats/10g fibre
I put the half avocado with the sauce in a bowl, mix them up then I'll add the chicken and broccoli after.
I have a brown rice tuna salad I used to eat as well if anyone is interested and it's very easy to make.
Another highly noted vegetable for helping people lose weight is the good old Bok Choy! It has about 13 calories per 100g 2g carbs/1g protein/0 fats/1g fibre and a tonne of good vitamin and minerals. Your body requires more than 13 calories to ingest and absorb the food! Hence why eating actual food is better than having supplements (i.e. protein shakes).
Felix - I don't even lift bro
I chose it mainly because its convenient for my work schedule and training times and its extremely easy to keep track of macros. 3 big meals with measured ingredients and less time spent in the kitchen. Big meals keep me full, so never feel tempted to cheat either
What body type are you? http://www.muscleandstrength.com/art...endomorph.html
I'm an ectomorphI am also skinny fat! How do you combat skinny fat? Should you bulk or cut? This is a long going debate, this article might help http://anthonymychal.com/2012/06/3-r...fat-ectomorph/
I have tried to bulk, but being an ectomorph it was extremely hard. I went originally from 63kg and skyrocketed to 73kg (all from the noob gains and fat gains). From there on, I was able to main 72-73kg with just normal eating and not tracking a god damn thing. I wanted to get bigger and I was on the eat again. I could only ever put on weight if I consumed 3000 calories+ !!! At one stage I was eating 4,000 calories a day for several months just to maintain my weight at 76kg but god damn my stomach was big yet I was still skinny. I am attempting to go to a lean base and build from there as this is the only method I have not tried yet. After 3 weeks of dieting I'm done 4kg already and I can feel my stomach shrinking, my back is becoming leaner but I am losing a slight amount of strength due to lower intake and lower glycogen levels but that's a given.
Everyone should know that if you're after that shredded physique naturally, it's a long road ahead... 5 years + journey of serious training an dieting unless you're in your teens with testosterone skyrocketing still or you've already got a lean athletic type of body . If you're just out there to get fit and stay in shape then keep on doing what you're doing!
Originally posted by Norm View PostYou can buy flaxseed oil which is cold pressed into capsules. Very much like fish oil capsules. The cheapest ones are on www.bodybuilding.com store. Flaxseed is great for joint lubrication but essentially is the same as fish oil as both fall under the same category of Omega-3's.
*Edit - after doing more reading, I would consider taking both! Even though I used to but I never got around to buy flaxseed oil again... yes I am human and lazy at times. Here are some articles to help you decide:
As for Alex, I think the flaxseed oil will help him reach his macros but should consider both if he isn't alreadyLast edited by SPL_K; 15-05-13, 12:27 PM.
Originally posted by SPL_K View PostWhat body type are you? http://www.muscleandstrength.com/art...endomorph.html
I'm an ectomorphI am also skinny fat! How do you combat skinny fat? Should you bulk or cut? This is a long going debate, this article might help http://anthonymychal.com/2012/06/3-r...fat-ectomorph/
I have tried to bulk, but being an ectomorph it was extremely hard. I went originally from 63kg and skyrocketed to 73kg (all from the noob gains and fat gains). From there on, I was able to main 72-73kg with just normal eating and not tracking a god damn thing. I wanted to get bigger and I was on the eat again. I could only ever put on weight if I consumed 3000 calories+ !!! At one stage I was eating 4,000 calories a day for several months just to maintain my weight at 76kg but god damn my stomach was big yet I was still skinny. I am attempting to go to a lean base and build from there as this is the only method I have not tried yet. After 3 weeks of dieting I'm done 4kg already and I can feel my stomach shrinking, my back is becoming leaner but I am losing a slight amount of strength due to lower intake and lower glycogen levels but that's a given.
Everyone should know that if you're after that shredded physique naturally, it's a long road ahead... 5 years + journey of serious training an dieting unless you're in your teens with testosterone skyrocketing still or you've already got a lean athletic type of body . If you're just out there to get fit and stay in shape then keep on doing what you're doing!
School. Never was that keen about food. One day decided to be a shredded cunt, jumped on the 6-8 meal a day band wagon and gain 9kg. Fuck that cut it all off and went for the lean gains approach
Muscle gain happens very slowly, aim for a pound a month of weight gain. Any more abd guarantee its probably fat.
I dont even weigh myself anymore its a stupid way to keep track of your progress. Aim to add one more rep to your set or more weight to the bar each time u train. Keep track of your lifts (not 1RM) and the rest of the progress u can see in the mirror anyway.
1RM or 1MR can create immense pressure on your joints and muscles as your body is not used to lifting that sort of weight. It's a one way ticket to SNAP CITY BITCH!
From the articles I've read in the passed, it is only physically possible to put on a maximum of 2kg of muscle per year. So as fr4n said, anything over that in a years period is more than likely.................. ta da FAT! Unless you are including bicycling in your routine it is impossible to gain more than 2kg of muscle per year.
I'm sure Elliot, if he ever decides to post on here again, can give us some advice
Originally posted by Norm View PostYour quite a big guy though Alex? (Not specifically pointing towards anything), it seems 2.2k calories seems abit low for you? I mean, i'm sitting on 2.4k calories.
Oh, thanks for the clarification between flaxseed and fish oil. I was always taught to take one or the other. Guess i'll be taking more. Mind you, I used to be taking close to 6000mcg's of fish oil a day. Not to mention Glucosamine to supplement my bodybuilding.
And for work out atm,
Leg, push, pull, rest. Repeat.
Just trying to get to around 77kg's by June and then 3 days a week, compound circuit training mixing in sprinting at 18km/h.
Originally posted by plAythiNG View Postvery true.
my new diet next week will see the carb load up starting from lunch and prior to working out. Anyone have a particular program / workout routine? care to share?
I'll post mine up later if I can find out how to visuallise it correctly as its currently on an excel spreadsheet
Leg day-Sqauts,Lunges, Leg Press, Hamstring raises and Calf raises
Chest-Incline dumbbell, Flat barbell press, Decline Dumbbell press, Dumbbell Flys and Cable flys
Back-Wide grip pullups, lateral pulldown, cable rows, bent over rows
Shoulder-Shoulder press, front dumbbell raise super set with side lateral raise, front barbell raise, dumbbell rear delt flys
Arms-Dips, skull crusher, tricep pushdown, chin ups, dumbbell curls, barbell curls.
Usually would do about 3 sets per exercise.
in terms of nutrition/supps i take: orange triad, oximega greens, hi strength fish oil, 1 scoop whey with weetbix for brekkie, tuna&slad or chicken breast and vegies for lunch, 1/2 scoop whey & 1/2 casein for afternoon snack, 1/2 scoop hydrowhey & purple wraath during workout, 1 scoop whey after workout, 1 scoop whey & 1 scoop casein before bed. When doing cardio or playing sport i go for xtend for intra workout instead. Since its winter currenty in bulk phase..trying to get to 78kgs. currently at 74. I am 6ft tall btw and 15% BF.
PLay bball on weekends. In summer hope to go down to 12%BF. Suspend gym membership then and focus on running/cross fit stuff so I can train for tough mudder and spartan etc. One of my goals was to max out my box jump and it is currently at chest height.
I wish UFC gym was closer to me. Does anyone go to BoxHQ in canada bay?Prash Imaging (Facebook) - Please like!
my car blog - Have a read
my 2nd car blog - Have a read too
Alex, try incorporating your stiff legged dead lifts on leg days instead of your back. If you don't warm up and stretch, it could give you a one way ticket to snap city. It's primarily a hamstring and lower back exercise. A lot of lower back exercises go hand in hand with the hamstring due to the mechanics of the body. If you're not feeling it in your hamstrings then it could either too heavy, poor form or poor mind-muscle connectivity.
IMO - I would do squats first, as it is a compound movement, then your leg extensions then stiff legged dead lift then hamstring curls. You don't want to be wasting all your energy on an isolation workout then doing a compound movement unless that is your intention. It's like people who do biceps before their back workout and always wonder why they can't go heavy on their exercises. Their arms give out before their back!
How important is mind-muscle connectivity? Very important! Have a read below