From the most recent photoshoot of the Sydney guys (Borrowed from Stevan

So this is just me being bitter and jealous about not being able to make it to a meet that happened today. It was short notice so I figured there would be others out there like me that would like a chance to meet the people who they talk to on the forums. Granted some of you guys surely have met each other here and there but I think it'd be invaluable to meet the majority of the regulars and be able to put a face to a username

Date: Sunday 4th of July 2010
Location: Sydney Olympic Park
7 Figtree Dr
Sydney NSW 2000
Location has been specified to parking lot P6E, with co-ords K-17 on this map:
This will be the initial meet up point at least and we can decide once we're there if we want to move to other places to take photos!
Time: Meet up at 12pm
I'm free all day but let's say 12pm so everyone has time in the morning to pamper and wash their car as well as have time for pre-meets. We'll be meeting up at the location specified above. Feel free to set up your own meeting points with friends to head out. Take pics at pre meet as well! The more pics the better!
If attending you'll be representing CITR so do follow these rules. I believe this is a mature enough forum to know the general things that give everyone a bad name (not to mention getting attention from the popo and taipan).
Just use some common sense so with this in mind, during as well as when entering and leaving the area do not:
-Rev your engine like a maniac.
-Do a fully sick burnout
-Act like an idiot in general
-Play loud ass music that attracts unwanted attention
Extra comments:
Feel free to bring your cameras. I'll be bringing a 550D but I just got it so will be looking to learn some things here and there from other pros. Would be a good chance to learn for those out there just starting out. Oh and I really want to see Fadi's car in person

Attending List:
Just post in this thread if you're interested in coming and also a picture of your car if you feel the need

1. vuongster (William) - DC5S
2. My cousin (Brian) - DC2
3. My friend (Jason) - EM1
4. stevan (Stevan) - DC5S
5. crashprash (Prash) -DC5S
6. lowie (Will) - DC5S
7. plAythiNG (Alex) - DC5S
8. Timmy_B (Timmy) - DC5
9. Timmy's friend - EP3
10. Dude that lives down the street from me haha(Alex) - EK4
11. johnO (John) - EP3
12. 03DC5R (Fadi) - DC5R
13. Fish (Dom) - FN2R
14. Itrboy (Thomas) - DC5R
15. pooface (Josh) - DC2R
16. Type S Tony - DC5S
17. SpoonS
Let's get this going. Feel free to pm me if you have any concerns or questions.