My friend was reading on the hondata website and came across these two interesting points.
source from
Now my qns is, would your car relearn the old fuel trim after a few daily drives or is the old fuel trim erased during tuning and the new trim is embeded as default settings
4) The front oxygen sensor on this car is a wideband sensor and can keep the car in closed loop (14.7 air fuel ratio) even at wide open throttle, up to about 4700 rpm. Consider unplugging the front oxygen sensor. This will force the ECU to run in open loop, ignoring any stored fuel trim settings.
6) Consider unplugging the leftmost of the three ECU connectors (above the passenger's feet) after your 3rd or 4th dyno run. This will reset the fuel trim to zero. The ECU will relearn the fuel trim after a few minutes of driving.
Now my qns is, would your car relearn the old fuel trim after a few daily drives or is the old fuel trim erased during tuning and the new trim is embeded as default settings