Yesterday, my speedo korked it. My cluster is working perfectly fine, except for the speed. On idle, the needle sits on off, and then goes up to speed as I start going. It seems to blurble a bit and jump around at times - especially above 70km/h. At times it will completely go to zero as im driving, and at times shoot all the way up to 180km/h (mind you ive never hit 180 in my life haha)
Is it the speed sensor? or is it the cluster?
Does anyone have a spare speedsensor for me? anyone know how to fix this problem?
Yesterday, my speedo korked it. My cluster is working perfectly fine, except for the speed. On idle, the needle sits on off, and then goes up to speed as I start going. It seems to blurble a bit and jump around at times - especially above 70km/h. At times it will completely go to zero as im driving, and at times shoot all the way up to 180km/h (mind you ive never hit 180 in my life haha)
Is it the speed sensor? or is it the cluster?
Does anyone have a spare speedsensor for me? anyone know how to fix this problem?