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Double Check with ClubITR :)

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    Double Check with ClubITR :)

    Well i think ive finally nailed down the noise coming from my engine bay (tick,tick,tick,tick). I have trailed it down to the LMA's (Lost motion assemblies).

    I called up Honda Spare Parts today and they quoted $58.70 each (and i need 8 of them if im going to replace them all).

    My question is.... $470 is quite a bit of money for 8 there anyway to narrow down that it is definitely the LMA's that are making the noise. Because i dont exactly want to go through the trouble of making the order paying the money and installing them and then finding out that the noise is being caused by something else.

    If anyone could give me some advice i would really appreciate it. Because im sure like me, alot of you hate the weird noises that your cars make and you NEED to get it fixed because it just gives you the shits.

    Ticking noise could be injectors or tappets.

    HAs it happened only recently?

    "Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car and oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of the car.
    Horse power is how fast you hit the wall, torque is how far you take the wall with you."


      nah its definitely not injectors or tappets i know what those sound like. And just to be safe ive already had the tappets adjusted to spec.

      We originally thought it was the timing belt tensionor but i got that re-tensioned and the sound is still there.

      Ticking noise only seems to be apparent between around 2.5k untill vtec. And i think once vtec engages the noise stops again. But it could just be the fact that my cai is too loud for me to hear it. But im pretty sure it stops once i hit vtec.


        whoever adjsuted your tappets should have checked the LMA's when the RC was off...

        and if it is just tick,"tick,tick,tick"

        then it might be only one LMA,

        as if it was all of them it would be a fuckload louder, as they get pressed 4 times each RPM

        just check each LMA by pressing them, if they dont spring back, it is farked.

        BTW - you in sydney?

        bring it to Dr Tinkerbell if you like...
        ... retired/


          (BTW - i reckon it still could be your valve clearance, as most people dont know how to do B series valve clearance correctly...)
          ... retired/


            Now that i think about it....its more of a clack,clack sound than a ticking sound.
            Does this make a difference??


              ... retired/


                very constant through the rev range if i had to say....2000rpm until vtec engages which when it seems to stop.


                  well, the role of teh LMA is to 'cushion' teh floppy VTEC rocker arm until VTEC engages,

                  so if ti is not like the "ticking" noise of the valve clearance, and more of a "clacking" sound, and disappers in VTEC, i would be removing the LMA's for checking, then replace any damaged ones...

                  but that said - it is rare for lots of LMA's to be damaged, and if more than one or two are damaged, i would suggest this could be due to a more serious issue (lack of oil for example...)
                  ... retired/


                    Well when i pushed down on the lobe like i said before they are all pretty firm except for on which is a quite a bit easier to push down but does still spring back.
                    From what i understand doesnt that mean that..that particular lma is on its way out?

                    Or am i completely clueless lol.


                      well, since i think you can actually remove them after you take the rocker cover off,

                      usign long needle nosed pliers, i would suggest that the soft one is the one you check first for damage...
                      ... retired/


                        dont you need to remove the camshafts etc to get to them??

                        What are the springs under the camshaft lobes...i was under the impression that these where the LMA's?

                        Sorry to be a pain just getting a little confused
                        Last edited by macoman69; 18-01-08, 11:48 AM.


                          the springs under the outer two cam lobes are ...... the VALVE springs!

                          the LMA's are under the MIDDLE rocker arm,

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                          ... retired/


                            ah shit sorry i did mean rocker arm im just getting confused.
                            that made me sound like complete moron lol
                            oh well.

                            if i remember correctly i pushed down on the right rocker arm when facing it and it was the one that was loose.


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                              ... retired/

