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    Hey guys...
    I don't know if that is an appropriate title... but here goes.

    I have a DC2R... and as from a few months ago when I installed my Toda Headers I have had a 'flat spot' (ie: loss in power) for 100-200 RPM at around the 2000-2500 RPM range. If I am full throttle you don't notice the flat spot... but driving normally you can.
    When my headers were changed, so was the oxygen sensor, as the guys that installed my cat back welded the sensor to my stock headers (weird - but don't ask me why?)

    I don't know if this is normal... or if it is even related to the headers or oxygen sensor itself. But if anyone knows what it could be please let me know.

    Thankyou in advance.


    Originally posted by ChargeR
    Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.

    any check engine codes?
    ... retired/


      say what?

      Originally posted by ChargeR
      Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.


        Go to honda and get the boys plug the computer in and check it have have error code in it or sth....
        Mugen Whore #2

        インテ君と共に歩み続けて早1年・・・いろんな所へ出かけ楽しく過ごしてきましたが、事情により手放すこと となりました。(T0T)
        人生で初めて走る楽しさを教えてくれた「インテグラ TYPE R」・・・初めて走った時は何もかも衝撃的でした。今でも走る楽しさは変わらないですが。。。残念です。今 まで本当に感動をありがとう!


          ohh okay. Thanks dude...

          Will a Power FC tell you what's wrong? Like if it's a sensor or something?

          Originally posted by ChargeR
          Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.


            Originally posted by VTECMACHINE View Post
            ohh okay. Thanks dude...

            Will a Power FC tell you what's wrong? Like if it's a sensor or something?
            yes it should. Are you using stock comp or the pwoer fc?
            BYP Racing & Developments
            Built. Tuned. Driven
            Want to go fast? Come see us! e: ph: (02) 9757 4757


              Originally posted by fatboyz39 View Post
              yes it should. Are you using stock comp or the pwoer fc?
              I'm using a standard computer atm... waiting for a power FC which is on the way. So I guess I might wait for that to come... then see what the probelm is? Do you think I should do that?

              Originally posted by ChargeR
              Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.


                u can also see what codes its throwing up with stock computer. Go onto ozhonda, there is a guide to check the ecu codes.
                BYP Racing & Developments
                Built. Tuned. Driven
                Want to go fast? Come see us! e: ph: (02) 9757 4757


                  ohh ok. I will have to go to Honda to get them to check the ECU though right? I may just wait 2 weeks or so, until my power FC gets here.

                  Originally posted by ChargeR
                  Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.


                    From my understanding if you aint throwing an steady cell, you wont find anything on a jumper diagnositc..
                    the honda boys would be as clueless as u if there isnt a engine check cell
                    Last edited by BlitZ; 21-12-06, 03:19 PM.

                    Project: Machine myself a heavy gear knob


                      hmm i'd rather not go to Honda.. as my family had previous problems with their servicing and maintainence. LOL and we still keep buying Honda. got 4 of them.

                      Originally posted by ChargeR
                      Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.


                        have u tryed reseting your ecu??? mite help as your new headers r flowing more then your old headers ....
                        Team Misplaced CT9A Owner #009


                          Originally posted by BlitZ View Post
                          From my understanding if you aint throwing an steady cell, you wont find anything on a jumper diagnositc..
                          all codes are stored until you reset the ECU.

                          so even if there is no solid CEL - you could have many stored in the ECU's memory...
                          ... retired/


                            so if I reset my ECU i'd loose the error codes. Wouldn't they keep throwing them up tho? (Sorry for being such a noob guys, LOL)

                            B20BoY: Yeah I reset my ECU when I got my headers.

                            Originally posted by ChargeR
                            Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.

