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How To: Neaten your engine

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    How To: Neaten your engine

    How do you do this,
    and what happened to all the wiring,
    and is there any downside to it?

    and what engine is that o_O

    -- no flaming please :x
    Backyard Special.

    Wire tuck? Wires are tucked inside the fenders or something. I don't know any downsides. Engine should be a b18c.
    Like Cars For Hope | |


      I'm not a fan of wire tuck, to many holes in the end.


        Looks like a pain in the ass if you were to change things.

        Wouldnt you say?
        Backyard Special.


          Originally posted by xntrik View Post
          and is there any downside to it?
          no ABS
          ... retired/


            remove EVERYTHING that dosn't "power" the car. (aircon, powersteering... and if your super keen, ABS)
            move the battery to the boot, or relocate it to another section, using a smaller item.
            all wires tucked into fenders.

            if its a half assed job (like above) it does look dodgy, cause you can see all the holes... for where everything was ment to go. i have seen a few that where done VERY well. ALL holes covered up, completly flat firewall etc etc

            can look awesome if done right


              where are the pics of BADHBT???

              now that was secks!
              ... retired/



                ... retired/


                  that is a example of a awesome wire tuck job.... the use of braided lines is also another must if you want it to look good.... but is very expensive

                  P.S.... love the ghetto bonnet stand


                    its more than just "moving" the wires, alot of time and custom work is involved if you want a pro job... including work on the bay itself, not just the components within....


                      it is actually quite easy compared to the alternative if you are building a car.

                      Have you tried to remember where all the wires goes in the oem setup? Impossible. The easier way to do it in this circumstance is to wiretuck.


                        the hole filling in the orange car is substantial work for the panel shop...

                        but looks 200% better than the white car...
                        ... retired/


                          soon cars will be running optic fibre in the near future!?


                            Originally posted by GTR RECARO View Post
                            soon cars will be running optic fibre in the near future!?
                            almost JDM spec, y0!


                              looks great.. but how often u pop you bonnet.

                              I wonder how much an electrician will charge you when u have elctrical problems... ahahah they would have to like remove you guards or come from below ahah..

                              hahah and make sure if you are attempting a wire tuck to also line the cables up to the top and not sit on the wheel inner plastic guards to prevent water soaking........
                              Last edited by BlitZ; 26-04-07, 11:29 AM.

                              Project: Machine myself a heavy gear knob

