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Tom's DC5R Blog - A different Tom, a different colour DC5R *Text Heavy*

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    Tom's DC5R Blog - A different Tom, a different colour DC5R *Text Heavy*

    Hey everyone, my names Tom and I'm from Sydney.

    I've been thinking about starting my own blog for a while now (to help me remember and document the stages and different mods I've done to my car) but kept putting it off as I didn't feel my car was up to a standard I would be happy showing it off at. But, now I've decided to just do it otherwise I would never put anything up.

    I'm going to put in some background and as much as I can remember (for my own benefit of a car diary mostly) so please bare with me and I forgive you of you don't read all of it haha.

    I fell in love with Honda's back when my older sister got a 1996 EJ8 Vti Civic Coupe. I don't really know what it was considering it wasn’t the quickest or most spectacular looking car but something about the shape just drew me in. In my mind I always wanted to get a EK Civic (hatch or coupe) Vtir or a DC2R... but this all changed when I first saw the DC5R and RSX. I knew that this was what I wanted and would not accept anything else. So with that in my mind I started saving every penny and looking on Carsales multiple times a day as a way of living out the pipe dream.

    Not long after getting my first decent full time office job I started looking for my first nice car deciding my 1984 carby Corolla would be relegated to daily duties. I originally started looking for a CW DC5R and after finding what I thought was the perfect car (with wheels, coils, carbon bonnet, GruppeM intake, Toda headers, HKS Hi-Powered silent exhaust system, K-Pro and tune) I went to inspect. After being floored by just how much about the car I loved (even more than I could ever imagined) I told the seller I would be coming back tomorrow to put a deposit down. The next morning I received a call from the seller saying that another person had come and made him an offer $1000 higher than what I had and if I could match it he would sell it to me as I was first to express interest. I looked at my finances and realised that it wasn't really possible for me to stretch my budget that far so I told the seller I would have to pass up on the car.

    I was devastated to say the least. All I could think was that I had this perfect car and it slipped through my fingers... I thought that nothing would ever match what I almost had. My brother-in-law and sister confessed to me that they were happy that I had not gotten that CW DC5R as they were worried about me getting behind the wheel of something so highly modified and powerful (well compared to my Corolla) without gradually building up to it. I listened to their advice and decided to look for a stock example.

    I kept looking though I was finding nothing. I was beginning to think I wouldn’t find anything when a friend told me that his uncle was considering selling his black S15 Spec R (which is also one of my favourite cars). I had seen this car on many occasions and how well it was maintained. All of these things made me seriously consider buying this car instead of the long wanted Integra. In the end I just couldn't pull the trigger as my mind had been so set on a DC5R for so long I wasn't sure if I would have been totally happy with the Nissan.

    After not finding any other clean CW DC5R's and loving the sleek look of the black S15 I decided to widen my choice to include Nighthawk Black DC5R's as well... and boy am I glad I did. I found a clean 2002 NHB DC5R within my price range that had 85xxxk's on the clock. I promptly organised an inspection and after being overly impressed with the condition of the car I paid my deposit (to avoid the same debacle that happened with the CW one haha). A week later I was driving it home with the biggest smile on my face

    Here's some pics from when I got her back in September 2006, sorry for the quality of most of the pics… most of them were taken on my various phones. For the parts I don’t have pics of I’ve taken some stock photos from the net:

    After that I was content. Just knowing I had the car that I had been striving for in my garage made me happy. I would even go as far as to say "I'm happy just having the car, I don't know if I'll ever mod it " boy was I wrong... I guess in the back of my mind I always knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. In the end the car decided it would push me in that direction far quicker than I would have ever thought.

    In the second year of having my car the clutch started to slip I kept driving it while looking for a replacement and researching my options. Then as if it was fate a brand new Toda sports organic clutch and lightweight flywheel popped up for sale on the forum. I met up to purchase and promptly put my car in the garage to start the work.

    Here's a pic of the clutch kit borrowed off the net as I never took a photo of it before install:

    My brother-in-law is a qualified mechanic (but no longer in the industry) so he was confident on being able to do the work with the compressor and tools he had in our garage. Due to us both working a lot and not having much free time together it took us a fair while to complete the work but after a couple of weekends (only getting about an hour each Sunday) it was done. Boy was I happy with the result! The car felt like it was totally different. It revved so freely and felt like it just wanted to keep going. To say it was a joy to drive was an understatement! And thus the mod bug had bitten me and I was feeling it with full force.

    Not long after my clutch had been installed I started looking for a new intake… originally wanting an Injen but not liking the massive void it left in the engine bay where the stock intake once was (yes I’m that anal haha) I decided I was going to get either a Mugen or GruppeM… Not only did they leave the bay looking more complete, they were also legal (being an enclosed box) and known amongst tuning circles as some of the best on the market. Not long after making this decision I noticed a thread on OzHonda saying that there was a group buy for GruppeM’s through a UK based forum. I read the thread, got the information and then I emailed a GruppeM rep directly and was told that the sale would start in two weeks and he would contact me when he knew the total amount to be paid by each person. Two weeks to the day my payment was made and my intake was on its way from Japan!

    Pic (sorry it’s another stock photo):

    Once I installed the intake (took me a few hours by myself on a Sunday afternoon) and went for a drive I was again smiling from ear to ear! The extra power felt nice but the crossover noise at VTEC was AMAZING! I couldn’t wait until every time I needed to get on a freeway/motorway and had room to plant my foot to get to merging speed. My only complaint was the ill-fitting cowl replacement that made squeaks from the engine bay a regular occurrence with every dab of the throttle. After a few tweaks and tactical placement of padded tape all squeaks were eventually minimised (but not entirely wiped out).

    After this I told myself that I would take a break from spending money and time on the car… we’ve all said this right? But then I saw a Spoon Front Strut bar for sale and I had to have it, again telling myself that would be the last mod for a while (yeah right).

    Pic of the GruppeM adjustment and then with the Spoon Front Strut installed:

    Again the self-restraint lasted a little while before something I “had to have” popped up. A user was selling a full Toda exhaust system (exhaust, hi-flow cat and cat-back). After having a chat with the seller and him taking me for a drive in his Type S to let me hear the tone of the exhaust, I came to an agreement with him and he threw his EP3 front sway bar in with the sale, Champion.

    Stock photo of DC5 Toda exhaust:

    Straight from picking it up that Saturday morning I went to the workshop my brother-in-law was working at on the weekends. I put my car on the hoist to complete the install while he worked on the other cars and helped me as needed. A few hours and some improvisation later (2 spring bolts went missing) I was pulling my car out of the workshop to take it for a test drive. If anyone had seen my face I’m sure they would have thought I was on some type of drug as I was ECSTATIC and at one point I may have even laughed maniacally This did however accentuate the wheel tramp I had been getting since I had installed my intake. A quick look around the internet for possible solutions when I got home found some Energy Suspension Motor Mount Inserts on their way to my place from the US. The next weekend the car was back on the hoist and the mount inserts installed. WOW! The car again was extra responsive to any touch of the throttle… people may complain about the vibrations but I thought they made the car feel more raw. Because Race Car!

    Stock pic of Energy Suspension Motor Mount Inserts:

    Things went quiet for a while after this with the exception of an awesome present from my girlfriend for my birthday… a JVC Exad double din DVD player with built in TV tuner. This sat in my room for a while until I bought a sub and amp. All of this was then installed (along with an aftermarket alarm) by a mobile installer recommended to me by the shop owner I bought the other electronics off. I was happy with the outcome of the install as the face of the head-unit matched pretty well with the interior of the car, the silver and black of the dash with the black and brushed silver of the head unit making it look almost like it was an dealer delivered head unit (I told you I was pedantic!).

    Here’s a pic once installed:

    After this I wanted to get some wheels (back then I didn’t know that in’s and outs of wheel weights, offsets and manufacturing processes). I found some 17x7 +45 Ozzy Tyres RS-GT’s in silver with polished lip. As the standard colour they never ended up on my car as they had some gutter rash and staggered tyres (I bought them off a guy who had them on his MR2) which made me feel that they didn’t improve the look of the car. So off came the tyres and in they went for powder-coating in precious bronze pearl. The first time they were done the finish wasn’t what I had specified/liked so I talked to the company and they agreed to strip them and coat them again… second time around was much better. Not long after getting them back I grabbed some 215/45/17 tyres and mounted them to the wheels and put them on the car.

    Here are some pics from when I put them on the car:

    Around this time I went out for some pictures with some mates. Here are some of the better ones:

    From here the mods moved to a smaller scale with a focus on details rather than performance. Things like a dark tints, JDM Push Start Button, Buddy Club Short Shifter paired with a Skunk2 Shift Knob, JDM Cluster and changing my Type R floor mats from the black ones to their red counterparts.

    I was happy with the progress of my car and the things I had done to it when disaster struck. I was out with the girlfriend after not having much sleep and while we were having a slight misunderstanding the car in front of me went to turn the corner but then decided the gap wasn’t big enough (even though you could have fit 5 cars in there) and slammed his brakes on. I failed to stop in time, as I was wanting to slot into the same gap and hit his car square in its ass. Great thing to happen less than a week before my birthday, but I take full responsibility and understand that's what happens when you don’t give the road your full attention. We exchanged license and insurance details and then I headed home with wounded pride and wounded car. The damage wasn’t as bad as first thought with the hit being low speed and directly in the middle of the front bumper. All that would be needed to be done was 2 new headlights due to snapped or bent tabs, a new front bumper and AC condenser as it was a little dented (no damage to the radiator at all). I was feeling a little better about the accident and the long term effect it would have to my car.

    So I started looking for places to get quotes to give my insurance company and finally had decided on the companies I would try. I got all my quotes and was happy to be moving forward when all of a sudden things got a whole heap worse (they say bad luck comes in bunches right).

    After getting my last quote with a mate I picked up the girlfriend and headed to dinner. Just as we were almost home a random Camry decided he wanted to do a U-Turn in the middle of a main road… right into the side of my car! He T-boned my car right in the middle where the door meets the rear quarter. At first I thought I was going to kill him but then a extreme calm came over me… luckily because my best friend took the accident harder than I did and I had to calm him down! Goes to show mates will feel just as bad if they know how much pride you put into something.

    Some random pics of the different damage:

    From here I had to get more quotes due to the new damage. Again to the same old places feeling like I was telling the story of what happened over and over and as to how I was there a few days before but now there was more damage (which was much worse). After speaking with a few panel shops I started to think of this as a way I could not only rebuild my car but also personalise it.

    In my mind I was always thinking I would like to respray my car due to paint fade, car park dents and other various marks... Then it dawned on me that this was the perfect opportunity to do just that. I decided that I was going to pay extra to whoever won the job from my insurance, and get them to respray the rest of the car at the same time. I also decided to complete most of the exterior mods I wanted to do to the car at the same time. This was mainly to cut down on the cost of having to paint things down the track (or so I keep telling myself).

    I already had some facelifted DC5 headlights that had been in my garage for ages so the hunt was on for a facelifted front bar. Enter Mario (Maracer) as he had made his car into the sexy Mugen monster we see today and had his standard front bar for sale. My best friend was talking about seeing his family in Melbourne and when I mentioned the front bar he straight away told me to contact Mario and we organised for a road trip to Melbourne for that weekend! The next day my mate posted up if anyone wanted anything taken to Melbourne from Sydney or vice versa and organised to meet with a few people on the Friday night. Friday night after we had picked everything up we crashed out knowing that we would have an early start the next day. We left at 6am Saturday morning and drove until we hit Melbourne, only stopping for gas, food and energy drinks. We met up with Mario, had a chat and loaded my front bar into the back of the car. Great guy and deathly beautiful car .

    After dropping off and picking up the rest of the parts we had agreed to transport we hit up my mates grandparents house for some homemade Pho and what I thought was a night of rest. At around 10pm my mate said that it was time to go home, I told him I don’t mind staying as I didn’t have work on Monday but he said he had some things he needed to do so I obliged him and just jumped in the car. Again we drove straight through swapping drivers here and there for some power naps. We ended up back in Sydney at around 6.30am Sunday… not a bad effort making it to Melbourne and back (including visiting my mates family and running around picking stuff up) in just over 24 hours considering it takes 8 hours to get there! The best part of it all was when we got home my it dawned to my mate that he didn’t have to finish his readings as it was the long weekend and he didn’t have Uni on Monday! So we didn’t need to rush back at all hahaha.

    After this I sourced a carbon fibre ViS Type R lip for 05-06 RSX, a replica Mugen wing and various other misc. parts to have sent over with the 02-04 Aspec rear lip I had previously bought from Jose (JDM_Matter). Jose who lives in San Diego was the biggest help I could ever ask for! He helped me source, pick up and order the parts I wanted, held onto them at his place while I gathered other things and then packed and took them to the shipping depot for me! I honestly owe so much of my build to him that it’s not funny. Who says that the car community spirit of helping each other out is dead!

    Stock pic of ViS Type R front lip for 05-06 RSX:

    Stock pic of Mugen Wing:

    A-Spec Rear Lip (pic of it on Jose’s car):


      I also was able to source a JDM rear bar from an eBay seller based in the UK. This was a bit of a debacle though. I contacted the seller asking him how much it would cost for him to pack and send the bumper to me here in Sydney. He got back to me and I was happy with the price so finalised the purchase and paypal’d the money through. A few emails asking what was going on and around a week later I got a message saying that he wanted an extra £100 to send it and would hold on to the item until I paid. After much back and forth (me reminding him of the quote he had given) he agreed that he would send it and that it should be delivered within 2 weeks.
      A month later (and a million eBay messages haha) the bar still hadn’t shown up. At this stage I was panicking so asked the seller to send me a scan of the shipping receipt and contact details of the freight company. After many excuses he said that he would “take care” or everything. The next day he said he had contacted the company and been told I would need to pay £100 to cover the insurance excess (all the while I was very suspect about the way he was acting and the answers he was giving me). I forwarded him the previous emails in which he stated that insurance would be covered by him and that in the event of something happening it would be of no charge to me. I also told him that as it had been so long if he did not sort it out in the next two days I would be filing a PayPal dispute before the time period in which I would be able to do so expired.

      This seemed to panic him into doing what was right as he then said that he would organise me another rear bumper and send it out before the end of the week. A week later a large box with a bumper showed up on my door. I eagerly unwrapped it to take a look… Surprise, surprise, It was the exact same rear bumper that had been photographed for the eBay auction! The seller had it the whole time and was just trying to milk extra money from me!

      From here I found a cheapish replica J’s racing rear diffuser from a company in Canada and decided why not. I contacted the seller and asked for a shipping quote and before I knew it I had paid and it was on the way to Australia. There was actually a bit of drama getting it out of customs and picking it up, plus the fact that the customs duty was more hefty than I had originally planned for bringing the price higher than I had expected. But you live and you learn right?

      Stock photo of CSC Rear Diffuser:

      From there I wanted to find a replica Mugen bonnet and after looking around for a while I was able to find one. The clear coat on it was staring to discolour, deform and peel… but because of this they were selling it for a bargain price! The damaged clear coat didn’t bother me at all as I had made the decision before I started looking that I wanted to paint it the same colour as the body.

      Stock photo of replica Mugen bonnet:

      The puzzle of exterior pieces was complete and dropped off to the panel beaters. I was going to paint my car the standard NHBP again but something was telling me “If you’re going to spend the money respraying the whole car you should do something different, do something unique”. My mind was torn… On one hand I wanted to go the safe and proven route but at the same time I wanted to do something different. After much thought and making the decision to do one thing and then flipping back to the other then next day, I ended up with the latter :P

      The car is now painted and here are some not so great pics off mine and my mates phones. Please forgive the quality and the dirtiness of the car in the pics of it in the workshop…

      Back home where it belongs!

      That’s all for now as the car has been painted for a few months but there are some things I’m not happy with and I want fixed before I take proper pics of it… the problem is I haven’t had a chance to take it back to the shop as I’ve been so flat out.

      Stay tuned as I have some updates coming as soon as I have the time to get the ball rolling.

      If you read all of this thanks heaps and if you just looked at the pics that’s fine as well.

      I’m happy to hear comments good or bad as everyone is going to have a different opinion on my car but it’s modded to my taste and if others like it than that's a bonus, if not then I respect their right to have an opinion


        Better painted pictures please Looks pretty cool, an aggressive wheel setup will pull off the matt paint much better!


          Niiiice!! Excellent write up. Love dedication you have to your car.

          Flat Black looks so aggressive. Aggressive wheels would be icing on the cake!!

          Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk


            Wow great write up. Thanks for taking the time to share your build.

            Love the paint!
            ClubITR | Like


              Amazing write up, I'm looking into a toda exhaust, love it??
              1995 Honda Civic EG (K20)
              1998 Nissan 180SX Type X (SR20)
              2010 Volkswagen Golf GTI (Emission Monster)

              F1 Nut


                my lude in her former glory *sigh*

                Tom you also forgot to mention side mirrors and mugen rear vision cover, as well as 183798273 other mods and crap you have sitting in the garage

                also, heres a shot of the teg in action.

                Last edited by starKz; 26-12-11, 04:31 PM. Reason: extra


                  Looking good! I like the rear.
                  Like Cars For Hope | |


                    great build, facelift ftw.
                    what colour is that btw?
                    I think i've seen this driving around =)


                      its satin black

                      Originally posted by MYDC5R View Post
                      great build, facelift ftw.
                      what colour is that btw?
                      I think i've seen this driving around =)


                        Originally posted by stevan View Post
                        Better painted pictures please Looks pretty cool, an aggressive wheel setup will pull off the matt paint much better!
                        Originally posted by etherealfall View Post
                        Niiiice!! Excellent write up. Love dedication you have to your car.

                        Flat Black looks so aggressive. Aggressive wheels would be icing on the cake!!

                        Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
                        Thanks guys. Watch this space as I should have better pics and updates as soon as I can get the time to do so

                        Originally posted by dnapol View Post
                        Amazing write up, I'm looking into a toda exhaust, love it??

                        I love my Toda exhaust! Some may say it's a little too quiet but I love how it's deep, rumbly tone with the occasional pop and that it will still allow me to get around time without too much attention... you can still hear it without it being too overbearing. Then at V-TEC it sounds amazing... especially when coupled with the GruppeM intake

                        Originally posted by starKz View Post
                        my lude in her former glory *sigh*

                        Tom you also forgot to mention side mirrors and mugen rear vision cover, as well as 183798273 other mods and crap you have sitting in the garage
                        Dom, we'll get your car back there... even better than

                        And I knew I would forget something... As for the stuff in the garage, that will all happen in due time.

                        Originally posted by Berty View Post
                        Looking good! I like the rear.
                        Thanks Hope to see you and grab a cars for hope sticker at a meet some time.

                        Originally posted by MYDC5R View Post
                        great build, facelift ftw.
                        what colour is that btw?
                        I think i've seen this driving around =)

                        Originally posted by starKz View Post
                        its satin black
                        He's correct... although it looks matte or flat in some light so I'm not 100% sure... how clean the car is at the time also makes a difference as well. Still have to give it a detail and a proper wax.

                        I thought you were from Melbourne? Maybe I have a twin running around in Vic


                          I can't decide, I like the rawness of rm01a an power getter. How do they compare to yours?
                          1995 Honda Civic EG (K20)
                          1998 Nissan 180SX Type X (SR20)
                          2010 Volkswagen Golf GTI (Emission Monster)

                          F1 Nut


                            I loved reading it.. When u said u had to "personalise it" i scrolled down to check put current pics haha!
                            Integra Type R
                            Integra Type S


                              Nice write up Love when people put this much detail into there threads!

                              Recent pictures and pictures of said JDM starter button
                              WSID : TBA
                              Wakefield : 1:10.1

                              Flippit Photography
                              Smooth As Detailing
                              Incar Racing

