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Stolen Rx-7

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    Stolen Rx-7

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section people, I'm not too sure where to put it I'm stressing real bad.

    Just received news that my friend's silver 1996 Mazda RX-7 FD3S twin turbo has been stolen. It was parked at his house in Sunshine with a full tank of gas. Car has been stolen for a couple of hours now and could be anywhere. If anyone has seen this car or knows anything about it PLEASE contact me on 0402 566 382 or call the police. Any help it greatly appreciated, and there will be a $1000 reward for information leading to the car's wereabouts. Please note this is not an insurance job as there only 3rd party on the car. Details are in the link below. PLEASE NOTE car is no longer on Work Meisters but are on standard 5-spoke rims sprayed black.
    2 People came to test drive the car, left my friend with the keys to their mini cooper. They left never came back my mate called the police and that mini was stolen since may.. THe car is EXTREMLY loud and stands out so keep a look out, it often backfires as well.

    pretty serious car to have 3rd party only


      was thinking the same thing.....hopefully lucks on his side~


        ...3rd party. No good at all. Sorry to hear. If I see it in Perth i'll let you know.


          has this car been found yet?




              nah it hasnt


                holy crap just saw on news preview what looked like a silver fd3s channel 7 up here in qld! at the gold coast! car chase and they believe it was a stolen car! guy got caught and im wondering if its the same car???? mmm


                  yea my friend just told me I havnt seen it but my friend hasn't heard anything from the cops yet.


                    Hope it was them who got caught let us no if you find out anything true.


                      Looked like his sorta... not wing on the rear... Silver....
                      mmmm some hope..


                        so I found the clip to show my mate. THe rx7 is wingless so it could but only thing it's in qld but who's stopping him from getting the car there true.

                        Anyway He called Vic pol and they are like "yea we'll look into it" hangs up, pretty much the same thing they have told him since day one. They are fucking so useless I'm 100% certain they just filed it somewhere in the back corner.

                        Anyway my mate decided to call the qld cops instead but they can't release any information so they told him to contact Vic Pol.. dead end


                          yeah so true! but what are the chances of ANOTHER silver FD being stolen!? get me?

                          bloody coppers! when you need them most they just dont wanna help!


                            Just tell your mate to keep bloody hassling them and tell them to get off there stupid ass.


                              trust me since day one he keeps calling and they keep giving him the same answer it's so lame.

                              Afew days after it was stolen, we actually got a mate to check the phone number they called on. Turns out it was registered to a Shaun John, the guy that came said his name is John. There was an address so we went to pay that address a visit.. Funny enough that street dosen't have a number 27... it goes 23 25 .... 31 .. it skips 27 and 29 wtf? We thought he would be from around the area so we camped there alot for a week but nothing. Thing is I mean we did this.. within afew days wth is stopping the cops from doing this if they wanted to they can trace it quite easily and quite fast they just don't give a fuck which really pisses me off.

                              But I mean.. they're busy with other "important" shit right..

