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First Time Accidents - Procedures?

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    First Time Accidents - Procedures?

    Any advice for first timers who are in car accidents, what do you do??

    say if someone crashes you,

    i know you ask them for there liscense, write down car number plate....and phone number/address etc...

    in most cases, do you ask for there insurance policy number? say if they say yes, but dont supply you with the policy number, whats next??

    im new to this plz

    Name, licence number, registration number, address, phone number, insurance provider, make of car, model of car, colour of car, note down the damage (take pictures if camera handy) and get the details of any witnesses who are kind enough to stop.

    Don't admit fault. Don't bargin with them or agree not to report the crash (e.g. because they aren't insured). Don't accept a behind the scenes cash deal.
    "No Matter that you have a PhD and have read all of Henry James twice. If you still persist in writing, "Good food at it's best", you deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave" (Truss, 2003, p.44).


      BF's pretty much covered it i think, especially the about admision of fault, even if its obviously your fault theres no need to admit fault, take some to gather your thoughts and think through everythign at your own pace, u just need to report the accident within the limits of your state laws.


        i made the msitake once of jsut recording down their details.. licence etc.. write a short statement on what happened and get him to sign it.. make sure its his signature too.. the abstard that hit me from behind made it out to be my fault cos he ahd a better driving record then me.. but seriously how can it be my fault when iw as stopped at a red light brake lights on and working and then BANG.. eyah totally.. that was so my fault aye... -_-
        Have you had your daily dose of VTEC?


          Some ediot did the same thing to me rayb3na. Hit me from behind when I was stop at the traffic light.
          The first thing i did was quickly write down the number plates of cars who stopped at the traffic lights who saw everything. Then I proceed to check everything else.


            okay just got back from mechanic, cars been there for 1.5weeks now...

            2500 damage

            question is about rear bumper, dont the factory make it in custom colors already?? cose when i went there i saw the body repairers painting and polishin the car....rear bar replaced also, according to there a place where i can check if these repairs were actually carried out, instead of relying whats on the paperwork and whats been clearly done....

            it looks they taken the car for a joyride...fuckn why are the front seat passenger side adjusted? theres no reason for them to get inside of the car besides drivers side....


              The factory supplies rear bumpers without colour. The mechanic will have to spray and fit. If its bodywork then they should have no right in test driving the car.

              What I have been doing is writing down the KM and taking a photo of it using my phone and actually letting the repairer know what the KMs and that there are to be no joy rides. Probably they have taken the car for a ride but really what can you do. Even if you check somehow that they have what possibly can you do? My 2cents is to let it go no matter how sluty your car may feel after.

              Its even worse you have been to an Arabic or Lebanese repairer because they f*ck around with asians alot. Just be careful next time. You should really read insurance disclaimers and be firm with these insurance companies. If your not confident over the phone as everything is recorded then perhaps putting everything in writting.

              In the end of the day there has only been one smash repairer in NSW (Sydney) that I have found that is ethical though very pricy. Hume Smash Repair in Lansvale.

              Btw. when the accident occurs get as much detail as possible everything and anything. Always record who you spoke to, time of call etc. If you approach the whole scenario in the right way then everything will be in your favour. Live and learn i like to say.

              Good luck with it all. (i have been in many accidents or car related deboggles and i deal with insurance at work as well).



                Originally posted by [ITR] View Post
                Its even worse you have been to an Arabic or Lebanese repairer because they f*ck around with asians alot. Just be careful next time.
                that's a bit of a derogatory generalisation...
                T U 8 8 Y R - 0 6 5 4 8


                  Also what insurance company you are with. I too, record my own mileage before handing over the keys. But later, i found its a waste of time as my insurance company (AAMI) had it all written down in their report sheet (where i get a copy) at the inspection station. And AAMi will tell me which repairer they used, so i can always head over to check it.
                  For all ralliart colt owners & lovers, i'm please to announce that the ralliart colt forum is finally online and working. Please come and support the site.


                    "derogatory generalisation" ... apology if your of that ethnicity MrThanh


                      AUSTRALIAN ROAD RULES - REG 287
                      Duties of a driver involved in a crash
                      287 Duties of a driver involved in a crash

                      (1) A driver involved in a crash must comply with this rule.
                      Penalty: Offence provision.
                      Note: "Crash" is defined in the dictionary.
                      Note: The law of this jurisdiction also requires a driver involved in a crash to stop and give assistance to anyone who is injured.

                      (2) The driver (or the driver’s representative) must give the driver’s required particulars, within the required time and, if practicable, at the scene of the crash, to:
                      (a) any other driver (or that driver’s representative) involved in the crash, and
                      (b) any other person involved in the crash who is injured, or the person’s representative, and
                      (c) the owner of any property (including any vehicle) damaged in the crash (or the owner’s representative), unless, in the case of damage to a vehicle, the particulars are given to the driver of the vehicle (or the driver’s representative).

                      (3) The driver (or the driver’s representative) must also give the driver’s required particulars, within the required time, to a police officer if:
                      (a) anyone is killed or injured in the crash, or
                      (b) the driver does not, for any reason, give the driver’s required particulars to each person mentioned in subrule (2), or
                      (c) the required particulars for any other driver involved in the crash are not given to the driver, or
                      (d) a vehicle involved in the crash is towed or carried away by another vehicle (except if another law of this jurisdiction provides that the crash is not required to be reported), or
                      (e) the crash is required to be reported to a police officer under another law of this jurisdiction.
                      Note: "Police officer" is defined in the dictionary.

                      (4) For this rule:
                      "required particulars", for a driver involved in a crash, means:
                      (a) the driver’s name and address, and
                      (b) the name and address of the owner of the driver’s vehicle, and
                      (c) the vehicle’s registration number (if any), and
                      (d) any other information necessary to identify the vehicle,
                      and, for subrule (3), includes any other information required to be given to a police officer about the crash under another law of this jurisdiction.
                      ... retired/

