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To all Experts on Memory cards for dcs

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    To all Experts on Memory cards for dcs

    Hi all peps...

    Desparately need some help here, the memory card suddently shown no pics and says error after we used the camera for like a week during our trip.

    It was fine and ok during the time while we taking pics and just suddently this problem came up and i thought is the biggest joke ever.

    it was a canon dc (A520) with a ScanDisk (2gb) memory, she borrowed off someone else so we unsure if its a faluty one..

    well anyway.. really, any inputs would be much greatly apprecitated, i mean, u dont wana imagine whats like after u came back from a wonderful trip and found ur pics are not show up at all ~~~

    cheers ppls

    i had this problem a while ago

    you need something like this

    there are some free software out there

    z10 says:
    i bet you will have 10000 wheels when you are done
    z10 says:
    mon-fri 9am-5pm chasing for jazz parts


      are you trying to pull the pics straight from the camera or are you using a card reader?
      T U 8 8 Y R - 0 6 5 4 8


        ^thanx for site Eddie

        er//.... i dont have the camera with me, but i think my fren is doing both but says error...


          that's not really enough info to diagnose your problem and try to fix it. is it the PC that's saying there's an error? or is it the camera? do other memory cards work in the camera/pc?
          T U 8 8 Y R - 0 6 5 4 8


            my camera did that when i was changing the battery to quickly after turning the camera off and it hadnt finished writing to the card


              my fren hasnt try other cards..shes now leave it to photo shop ppl to fix

              cheers guys...

