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    Since you have to resort to gutless reputation spam.. I will share it with everyone..

    Jing sends "fyi i have spent half of yesterday copying info from crsx, and i can bet you even with my spamming i have contributed to the forum more then you will ever have. Who asked justin to design the banner? asshole"

    WOW that is pretty lame when you have to justify to me of your existence in life... and have to justify your worth..

    phft.. I'm too busy in my life to be bothered listing achievements and ways I have helped members in forums to be worth been here.. like you have..

    If that what you have to do to sleep better please continue..

    Team AMS

    man....cmon group hug *hugz:

    z10 says:
    i bet you will have 10000 wheels when you are done
    z10 says:
    mon-fri 9am-5pm chasing for jazz parts


      For your information i have no trouble with people seeing this, there is really nothing to hide, my feelings are not mine alone.

      My points that i have pushed across previous is also valid.

      Yes maybe you have made your contributions, however am i correct in saying that you were doing quite the amount of stirring? And often overly so?

      Im sorry but that pisses me off, i would be an idiot to hide this fact. I think u r an asshole for constantly stirring people me included when it is pretty obivious u do not know the people u are really stirring.

      Ok stirring is fine amonst friends, but hell i dont go up to someone i dont know and say shit about their car, life, or judge a person just by what i see online. You dont know the people you are talking about, do not assume you do. Maybe u are joking and i have heard you are quite the nice man in real life but online you have shown yourself to be nothing but an asshole to a few.

      I am sorry, but i speak my mind and thats that. If you do not like it then please refrain from talking about or talking to me and i will do the same.



        You say you dont need anyone to justify your existsence or some nonsensical shit like that, but i tell you what i REALLY THINK.

        The reason why you stir, becuase it makes u feel good. That is the real reason you stir mate.

        I dont go on forums picking for fights, but if i see someone which i dont like, i will have no hestitations in making it known and the REASON KNOWN too. Some people are not happy you are stirring, we have displayed this fact subetly, you choose to ignore, i call you an asshole. Sorry that im so straightfoward and maybe abit impulsive to speak my mind.




            we need that pic....this is the internet...even if you win you're still retarted

            z10 says:
            i bet you will have 10000 wheels when you are done
            z10 says:
            mon-fri 9am-5pm chasing for jazz parts


              Originally posted by Jingers
              You say you dont need anyone to justify your existsence or some nonsensical shit like that, but i tell you what i REALLY THINK.

              The reason why you stir, becuase it makes u feel good. That is the real reason you stir mate.

              I dont go on forums picking for fights, but if i see someone which i dont like, i will have no hestitations in making it known and the REASON KNOWN too. Some people are not happy you are stirring, we have displayed this fact subetly, you choose to ignore, i call you an asshole. Sorry that im so straightfoward and maybe abit impulsive to speak my mind.

              ROFL how wrong you are.. to make myself feel good.. i just spend cash.. so wasting my time with you.. I would not really find enjoyable..

              I am glad you have the guts to face.. it and probaly respect you more for it.. not much but more than it was.. a positive is a positive even your minus by that much..

              If people have a problem with me they can easily contact me and discuss it.. that what people normally do..

              stand up and face the world.. you'll become a better person..
              Team AMS


                Originally posted by hebe
                nice contribution to the thread mate
                Farewell TYP88R


                  Originally posted by noodleman
                  we need that pic....this is the internet...even if you win you're still retarted
                  You mean this one


                    hahaahh that was a quick find

                    z10 says:
                    i bet you will have 10000 wheels when you are done
                    z10 says:
                    mon-fri 9am-5pm chasing for jazz parts


                      Google FTW!


                        Originally posted by JSL
                        ROFL how wrong you are.. to make myself feel good.. i just spend cash.. so wasting my time with you.. I would not really find enjoyable..

                        I am glad you have the guts to face.. it and probaly respect you more for it.. not much but more than it was.. a positive is a positive even your minus by that much..

                        If people have a problem with me they can easily contact me and discuss it.. that what people normally do..

                        stand up and face the world.. you'll become a better person..
                        Anyways, as i said, i have asked quite a few people who have said you are upstanding in real life and really i have no problems with that.

                        Just undersatnd my feelings are not mine alone and really someitmes its not too good to stir people you dont know, once or twice or three times its fun and games but every single time you pop online *and u r not one of those whoring everyday members* it seems to be some comment pointed at someone.

                        Maybe u are really joking, but this is the internet, its pretty hard to tell.


                          what the? group hugs boys! pls dont be like this.... ):



                            Let them talk it out, it will be better for them and the forum.

                            I respect both of them for stating their opinions... Let them deal with it...
                            'freakygeek is the stig'


                              Originally posted by #01-113
                              Let them talk it out, it will be better for them and the forum.

                              I respect both of them for stating their opinions... Let them deal with it...
                              There nothing to talk out.. this is the real world we live in.. not everyone going to get along and that is that..

                              Jing i called you a spammer and never have i stated that you don't contribute to the forum that was your open attack on me.. lets get that straight..

                              Not everyone here has to be a full time google searcher and post every sec to contribute to a community.. if that how you want to contribute then that fine..
                              Team AMS

