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Quit smoking, who's done it and how?

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    Quit smoking, who's done it and how?

    The time has come for me to seriously consider quitting smoking after 15 years. Aiming to quit come Monday or st least cut out the general day to day ones as I'm going out next weekend lol

    Just wondering who here has done it and what methods they used.
    Street Circuit Lifestyle - Official distributor for PasswordJDM


    Originally posted by cartoon View Post
    The time has come for me to seriously consider quitting smoking after 15 years. Aiming to quit come Monday or st least cut out the general day to day ones as I'm going out next weekend lol

    Just wondering who here has done it and what methods they used.
    Yes, I have quit smoking for like over 6 months now. I was a around a 8 ciggie a day person. Since quiting I have been vaping ecigs. It really does work.


      I did it cold Turkey. But I had only been smoking for about 3 years. I've within that time frame I found I kept picking it back up then dropping it after a while. Then one day I just stopped and never looked back. Just like in the ad. Every time you quit, doesn't matter how long for, you'll get better at it fielding. The key is to have the mindset. For you who has been at it for fifteen years, I'd suggest patches because apparently gum tastes horrible
      Lisa is a nut. She has a rubber butt. Everytime she turns around it goes putt putt.

      CW DC5R Build


        I smoked for nearly 4 years from the age of 16 to about 2 months ago.

        Never could give it up till I walked past someone in the morning at uni smoking and the smell just made me feel sick .
        Mind you I had the flu at the time .

        Went cold turkey and never looked back


          I know of a friend who quit using a medicine called champix. It worked for him and he quit.
          Have a read of my build thread


            Originally posted by knobosaurus View Post
            I did it cold Turkey. But I had only been smoking for about 3 years. I've within that time frame I found I kept picking it back up then dropping it after a while. Then one day I just stopped and never looked back. Just like in the ad. Every time you quit, doesn't matter how long for, you'll get better at it fielding. The key is to have the mindset. For you who has been at it for fifteen years, I'd suggest patches because apparently gum tastes horrible
            Ive tried the spray the brought out and damn. That thing is strong as. After two sprays i could barely breath for 3mins


              Go talk to your gp guys if u can, it's well worth it!

              "Because in a split second, it's gone" ~Ayrton Senna


                I was a smoker 4 years back - had a baby told myself no more smoking
                then that's it never touched it since then

                I know it sounds too easy - but everytime I get the urge I just thought of the following
                1. I need to have a good health for my baby
                2. I need to be a good role model
                3. $$$ to buy pack can go somewhere else - like mods :-)
                4. I started with some chewing gum "not nicobate" when I get the urge
                5. and just fought myself not to go near them ever.


                  So tomorrow is my starting to quit day I'll keep u all posted on how I go
                  Street Circuit Lifestyle - Official distributor for PasswordJDM



                    Good luck fielding. I know you can do it mate.
                    Lisa is a nut. She has a rubber butt. Everytime she turns around it goes putt putt.

                    CW DC5R Build


                      quittimg smoking is honestly a hard thing to do. i know a mate that made a stupid bet with my mate that he would quit and if he was to have a ciggie the bet would be over and its a 5k payout lol. mate lasted a year and half then due tooo much stress and his grand father dying he got back on it again. keep in mind my mates been smoking since he was 13 lol. i asked him how he just went cold turkey, he just simply said its fucking hard and its all in the mind. more yout think about it more it just pushes you and breaking the habits of having one like after a meal, in the morning, or doing something thats tiring so a ciggie would be a good relaxent etc etc. just gotta stopping them habits i guess.


                        Good luck with it, I've smoked since I was about 14, but now only socially when I'm out on the piss, I've never really quit completely but do often go 3-4 weeks without one, personally I think its all about willpower, you have to want to stop, remove the temptation so don't have any packs in the house, think about the benefits and keep yourself busy at those time you'd normally be having one, hardest part will be when you have a few beers on Friday arvo
                        02 Indy Yellow s2000::::::04 Arctic Blue Pearl DC5R::::::05 White B2600::::::10 Ibis White Q5


                          Drinks on fri will kill me but to be honest if that's the only time I smoke for a while then I'm happy.

                          Kinda trying to change my life style at the same time. But on a few kg so I'm changing my eating habits and such also
                          Street Circuit Lifestyle - Official distributor for PasswordJDM



                            Champix did it for me.

                            But drinking also got me back on it bit by bit.

