torque dampers dont do much except look cool, if your going to be increasing power even slightly go with innovatives or hasports depending on your budget, as for vibrations my mates car with hasports is actually a tab quieter than mine which are billet innovatives (both 60A rubber)
i ripped my stock mounts at 50k with only a cai. havnt seen too much on the mugens but they are surposesly bout 40% more load capacity than stock and judging by their design they would be the most comfortable of the lot, except then you still look like you have stock mounts
forgot to mention, when i got mine installed i was like fk what have i done, the car was quite a bit louder inside and the car shook noticeably. after a while i loved the way it felt, livened the car up considerably and as Burak said makes it feel like a race car.
i ripped my stock mounts at 50k with only a cai. havnt seen too much on the mugens but they are surposesly bout 40% more load capacity than stock and judging by their design they would be the most comfortable of the lot, except then you still look like you have stock mounts
forgot to mention, when i got mine installed i was like fk what have i done, the car was quite a bit louder inside and the car shook noticeably. after a while i loved the way it felt, livened the car up considerably and as Burak said makes it feel like a race car.