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TIP: for those who smoke in their car.

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    TIP: for those who smoke in their car.

    dont lean your hand on the window. On electric window cars its easy to stuff up the aligning and it wont close the window.

    common sense really but I thought Id just share it

    thanks mate
    very much appreciated


      Windows are either all the way down or almost fully up... thanks to the safe driver course... i'll never have my window half way down ever again whilst driving.


        Originally posted by 45SET View Post
        Windows are either all the way down or almost fully up... thanks to the safe driver course... i'll never have my window half way down ever again whilst driving.
        Whats the deal with that? Whats wrong having it half down?


          something to do with the fact that if you crash with it half up then the glass will break in a different manner compared to having it all teh way up or down and the glass being more fatal. something along those lines.


            yeah... if you where to get a hammer, and hit the side of the glass.. it would smash, yet if you where to hit the top it wouldn't..... can't remember why, but it won't.

            So if your window is all the way up/down and you are t-boned on the passenger side.. your head is going to smash THRU the glass (or hit the door), may not be good... but its better then if the glass was half way down, same situation, the glass would go THRU your head.... thus cutting that part of your head off..

            So kids.. only ever drive with your window all the way up or all the way down.



