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DC2R & DC5R Weird Noises

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    Originally posted by Batchy View Post
    Car: DC5R

    Issue: left low beam blows after switching high beam over time. Does not blow first time but after 2-3 months and I don't drive alot at night where high beam is needed. Maybe high beam 9-10 times before it goes. I reckon that is the case. Plan to not high beam the next 6 months and see if it's okay. Anyone else with this issue? Possible issues? Just left one. No fuse blows and always left one first

    I wonder if current from the high beam is transferring into the low beam bulb?
    Have you reproduced it a few times and it's always blown? I don't know how high a chance the two will be affecting each other since the DC5 uses 2 separate H1's for low and high instead of hi-low. Do you have HID's?

    Originally posted by khanguskhan View Post
    Car Type - DC2R

    Wierd Noise: After 110KM/H Heavy flapping sound on drivers side, sounds like a deflated tyre spinning. Does not happen before 100KM/H

    Solution: Haven't found any, some help would be awesome!
    Mud guard come loose? Mine was fine until I drove on the hume. It came loose and got shredded up!


      Car- DC2R

      noise : When on full lock coming out out carpark, tight turns etc, Car will make a kinda buzzing noise, though once back into position will go back to normal =/


        tyre rubbing on inner guards?
        ... retired/


          Originally posted by M@lew View Post
          Have you reproduced it a few times and it's always blown? I don't know how high a chance the two will be affecting each other since the DC5 uses 2 separate H1's for low and high instead of hi-low. Do you have HID's?

          Mud guard come loose? Mine was fine until I drove on the hume. It came loose and got shredded up!
          No HID's and yer I know about the bulbs, it seems to be the same case every time. Going to have a look on the weekend and will post what I find
          Just going for a drive ~146.4kw~


            Any idea where to buy dc5r cv joints from and possibly how much?
            Have a read of my build thread


              You might be better off just getting some reconditioned axles. It could workout cheaper and easier for you


                Next service to honda or mechanic to tighten ur sway bars n end licks .ther will one loose i speny many months on that one

                Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2


                  Car Type: 2003 DC5

                  Weird noise's
                  - Clunking in the engine bay when I'm applying pressure to the brake
                  - High pitched noise noticed when driving on smooth surfaces at 60-100km/h

                  - Worn out engine and gearbox mounts
                  - No idea .. 'drive train' springs to mind, maybe VTEC? lulz..


                    Car : DC2R

                    Weird noise : Rattle/vibration near the engine (can't exactly locate it amongst other noises). Happens when i rev above 2000rpm and step off, even while the is car stationary (so can't be a suspension problem).

                    cause : possibly heatshield, loose bolt? imbalance compression? timing belt tensioner?


                      Car: DC2 VTiR

                      Weird Noise: Chirp sound from engine bay when passing 3,000 and 6,000 rpm, (VTEC engagement points). On the way up and down the revs, it will chirp when VTEC changes over. Happens less when engine is warm.

                      Solution: VTEC Solenoid??? I would love some help on this one. Pulled off the rocker cover and solenoid, but couldn't see any signs of contact or wear?

                      Weird Noise: Squeak sound from front of car when backing off the accelerator. Noise does not happen with engine off or at stationary idle. Only when moving. The squeak is delayed. I lift my foot off the pedal, the car starts to rev down and THEN the squeak happens. Happens at all revs, all speeds, all gears. None of the mechanics I know can tell me what it could be.

                      Solution: Not a clue. I thought throttle body, but the squeek happens after the car starts to already throttle down...
                      ClubITR: "Cruising 3-wide on the bridge like BOSSES!!" ~ crashprash

                      My FlickR
                      My TumblR


                        Car: 02 DC5R

                        Weird noise: ticking/rattle sound from engine bay

                        - Only happens when the car is warm
                        - Only happens when idling
                        - When i apply slight throttle i can hear it go away
                        - The noise seems to be coming from the drivers side of the engine bay
                        - Its fucking annoying

                        I think it may be my chain tensioner!

                        Pls help.
                        Last edited by itr5093; 07-02-13, 10:28 PM.
                        Have a read of my build thread


                          Now I have a high pitched squealing sound once the cars heated up (2-3min into driving) and you can hear it here: Any ideas what it could be? The guy is said to specialize in Honda's took the wheel off and inspected it, all he could think of was it being an issue with a caliper clip because everything else seemed in good nick (and fairly new brake pads).

                          2003 DC5 Integra


                            Car Type: 2002 EP3 Type R

                            Weird noise: rhythmic dull clunk/scrub/creak from passenger front wheel area. it doesnt actually clunk, however at high speeds, the creak is blended into a clunk sort of noise

                            at low speeds such as slowing at a traffic light it sounds very much like something is scrubbing. almost like a creaky door, . very proportional to road speed, if travelling at walking speed for example, each individual "click" of the creak/scrub can be heard, kind of like the sound of a handbrake being pulled up very slowly.

                            always rhythmic

                            more prominent travelling at higher speeds, increases with road noise, sounds like a dull clunk at that pace and can actually feel it through steering wheel and cabin/footwells.

                            however when accelerating briskly enough to make the car squat, the sound completely disappears. only prominent when travelling at steady speed or slowing down

                            when decelerating the sound slows from a dull clunk to a rub (almost like wiping wet cloth on window sort noise) then at crawling speed, it is a very defined creak, creak, creak

                            all this happens regardless of drivetrain load, clutched/de clutched.

                            doesnt happen in reverse and doesnt happen when accelerating relatively briskly

                            Cause: no fukn idea. my guess is scrubbing due to the above circumstances (goes away when car squats under acceleration?) however ive run 17x9 on the fronts before and never happened. now running 17x8 and it does. ride height unchanged, decent clearance to inside fender lining.


                              Originally posted by fr4n View Post
                              Car Type: 2002 EP3 Type R

                              Weird noise: rhythmic dull clunk/scrub/creak from passenger front wheel area. it doesnt actually clunk, however at high speeds, the creak is blended into a clunk sort of noise

                              at low speeds such as slowing at a traffic light it sounds very much like something is scrubbing. almost like a creaky door, . very proportional to road speed, if travelling at walking speed for example, each individual "click" of the creak/scrub can be heard, kind of like the sound of a handbrake being pulled up very slowly.

                              always rhythmic

                              more prominent travelling at higher speeds, increases with road noise, sounds like a dull clunk at that pace and can actually feel it through steering wheel and cabin/footwells.

                              however when accelerating briskly enough to make the car squat, the sound completely disappears. only prominent when travelling at steady speed or slowing down

                              when decelerating the sound slows from a dull clunk to a rub (almost like wiping wet cloth on window sort noise) then at crawling speed, it is a very defined creak, creak, creak

                              all this happens regardless of drivetrain load, clutched/de clutched.

                              doesnt happen in reverse and doesnt happen when accelerating relatively briskly

                              Cause: no fukn idea. my guess is scrubbing due to the above circumstances (goes away when car squats under acceleration?) however ive run 17x9 on the fronts before and never happened. now running 17x8 and it does. ride height unchanged, decent clearance to inside fender lining.
                              found out what happened, the sound was actually due to the wheel wobbling along the studs. lug nuts werent torqued properly, lugs started backing out, bad things follow.

                              went up to Dede to diagnose it, as well as install some parts for me. when i got there, he noticed my wheel was about to fall off. held on by 3 studs, the rest had shot all the way to snap city while driving from blacktown to arncliffe lucky coincidence i got there just in the nick of time.

                              previous person who put the wheels back on didnt do it properly. hes quite reputed too.

                              i dont wanna name and shame here but if you wanna heads up on who not to take your modified honda to, ask via pm


                                So I've owned my DC5R for 2 and a bit months and I've been experiencing a little mechanical rattle on my DC5R at precisely 4500rpm, it disappears if the revs are higher or lower than 4500rpm. The sound is obviously coming from the engine, and it's been happening ever since I've owned the car. Is this normal?

                                Also at low speeds (below 5km/h), I get this weird clunking sound when steering from left to right or right to left, again it's been happening since owning the car.

                                By the way, the car is completely stock I believe.

                                Any ideas on what the problems are? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
                                Last edited by dfdc2r; 04-03-13, 09:19 PM.

