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A/C Dead (Leak Maybe)

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    A/C Dead (Leak Maybe)

    Hi everyone

    i know i don't post here much but some of you guys may know me from ClubRSX or JDMST
    ok so its like this, my DC5 has a/c and not long ago it just started to blow out hot air (bear in mind my car is an 2002 model), so i brought it to my local A/C Specialist and he said their maybe a leak. He tried using an device to find where it is but could not, so what he did was inject an UV die into my a/c and regasses it, 1 week later (today) it seems like the a/c coolness is gone
    i know this weekend is gonna be hella hot time but i wanna fix this problem but i dun really want to bring it back to that guy
    does anyone recommend a place to get this fixed or know how i can fix this problem?

    P.S i have an UV light at home and couldn't find the leak my self, i can see the die from the place he injected it but no where else

    Thank Alot

    Under the dash is the evaporator it may have a hole in it but to fix this is an expensive job as you have take the dash out....
    F/S: VTI-R Civic

