Hi all,
I was cleaning the interior of the DC2R recently and was quite pissed off when i saw that the left air con vet (passenger side) didn't have the carbon fibre sticker on it....Went on ebay, gumtree, all the bloody forums i could find to get a replacement air-con vent as I didn't want dodgy stickers that didn't match up - So after zero luck i get on the phone with my main man Chaumeh (Thanh) and holla at him for awhile - after 10 seconds (the flash) he runs out and has a look at his own beast and says that his doesn't have any stickers on there neither!!! Feeling ripped off, yet a little bit reassured - we came to the conclusion that none of the DC2R's have them. Epic sample size yeah?
Can anyone confirm? or share any knowledge? - As the car is mostly garaged - I am Baffled as to how long it took me to figure this out!!!
I was cleaning the interior of the DC2R recently and was quite pissed off when i saw that the left air con vet (passenger side) didn't have the carbon fibre sticker on it....Went on ebay, gumtree, all the bloody forums i could find to get a replacement air-con vent as I didn't want dodgy stickers that didn't match up - So after zero luck i get on the phone with my main man Chaumeh (Thanh) and holla at him for awhile - after 10 seconds (the flash) he runs out and has a look at his own beast and says that his doesn't have any stickers on there neither!!! Feeling ripped off, yet a little bit reassured - we came to the conclusion that none of the DC2R's have them. Epic sample size yeah?
Can anyone confirm? or share any knowledge? - As the car is mostly garaged - I am Baffled as to how long it took me to figure this out!!!