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    just curious what the opinions on clubitr are of the sub-$45k nissan sports coupes, in particular:

    *Z33 350Z
    *R34 Skyline 25GTt
    *R33 GTR

    also, apparently there is an update model of the Z shortly to be released, with the upgraded VQ35 specs including more power and higher (7500rpm) redline, promised to be a 'sportier' engine than the current 35DE..

    "What's the point of racing a car that doesn't look cool?" - Nakai-san, RWB

    Originally posted by szymonsta View Post
    just curious what the opinions on clubitr are of the sub-$45k nissan sports coupes, in particular:

    *Z33 350Z
    *R34 Skyline 25GTt
    *R33 GTR

    also, apparently there is an update model of the Z shortly to be released, with the upgraded VQ35 specs including more power and higher (7500rpm) redline, promised to be a 'sportier' engine than the current 35DE..

    wow wot the hell? the later 2 cars are not in the $45k mark?

    really have no information in regards to those cars for comparison BUT one thing to do is, you should really list the things you are after in a new/2nd hand car.

    Is a good fun handling car you after?
    Is a good interior important to you over other things?
    Which car's exterior do you like the most?

    Dont go buying a car because everyone else said its good, go buy a car that fulfils what 'you' are after from a car


      Originally posted by szymonsta View Post
      just curious what the opinions on clubitr are of the sub-$45k nissan sports coupes, in particular:

      *Z33 350Z
      *R34 Skyline 25GTt
      *R33 GTR

      also, apparently there is an update model of the Z shortly to be released, with the upgraded VQ35 specs including more power and higher (7500rpm) redline, promised to be a 'sportier' engine than the current 35DE..

      *Z33 350Z
      *R34 Skyline 25GTt
      *R33 GTR

      Two of them are rwd's and on that fact alone people might argue they are good cars, but i beg to differ.

      350Z :: a design was awesome when it was first released, now i look at it and i just think that its abit too round here and abit too round there *without aftermarket bodykit* i dont think honestly it will age too well. IN regards to the performance i have been in 350z's and the general consensus is that it drives like its specs might lead you to believe. Torqey for a na engine *3.5litters after all* but just as heavy as it looks too. I would call these cars more GT cars out of the factory rather then pin point focused track cars as you would be used to with your dc2r. Of course you can choose to modify the car and turn it into a more ready track car.

      To sum the 350z off though its pretty car but alittle aimless in what it wants to be, its not as light as the s15 ie it doesnt hold the same tuning potential as a s15

      R34 gtt :: As above a car which is alittle aimless. I just seem to think of it as a more newer r33 gtst. Both powered by "similar" engines. Why not a s15? Slightly more torque then s15 but weighs more too.

      R33 GTR :: The dc5r of the gtr family. Of course not a popular choice due its weight and maybe tamer looks but hey approach it with an open mind and you will see that it prolly isnt as bad as people make it out to be. Make sure you get the series 3 though with the HID . Problem with one is its near impossible to find unmolestered version.


        lol... unmolestered... :O

        Is the 350Z the track version or the non-track? Having sat in a stock 350Z track, I thought it was awesome. The handling was suprisingly good and the brakes pulled up the heavy mofo quite well.

        In Jan 07 Motor Magazine, the track 350Z ran a 1.42 at Winton which is meant to be a technical track and doesn't favour high powered cars. For comparisons sake, STi = 1.42, M5 = 1.41, M6 = 1.39, Evo 9 = 1.40, Z4M = 1.39 and 911T = 1.36.

        I'm not sure what stock times a DC2r or DC5r pull around Winton, but last Honda track day saw the faster DC5rs pull ~ 1.43-1.44.
        Official ClubITR Sponsor: - For all your maintenance, oils and track needs.


          list looks good, however out of the 3, i would get the 350z, r33 gtr and then teh r34 Gtt.


            buy 'RUN ME' gtr33, its on carsales and also the latest autosalon mag awesome car.


              For me, 350z - R34 - GTR.

              350z still looks very attractive to me till now. The only thing i hate about 350z, is that gay orange leather seat. Looks so wide and unmatched to the whole car's design.

              R34 looks better than it can perform. Not saying its not a good performer, but i think people buy them mainly for the looks more than anything.

              GTR33.......don't have the looks and worst performance out of the 3 generation of GTRs.....
              For all ralliart colt owners & lovers, i'm please to announce that the ralliart colt forum is finally online and working. Please come and support the site.




                  I'd go Z33 then wouldnt consider the others....

                  The R33 is arguably the least aggressive of the GTRs (still alot of car though) but dont like the looks either.

                  The R34 GTSt looks better but hasnt got the grunt of the GTR.
                  Team Misplaced CT9A Owner #002

                  EVO IX FOR SALE:


                    The most important thing i have to say is that i owned a DC5R. Then owned a GTT. Now i own a DC5S. The GTT was a nice car and had excellent straight line power. No doubt it would of slaughtered my r and my current S on the straight any day of the week. That being said though all i had to do was put my foot on the pedal and away i went. quite boring. I can take the R and S confidently - although felt like i could only take the GTT like 65% of its potential coz my nuts would sweat!

                    i like the 350Z track - looks heaps hot!


                      i like the look at the R32 GTR.. its hard edged and mean looking. R33 looks fat and soft. R34 looks good too...

                      I'd love to try a R34 GTR, the R32 GTR i drove was awesome but the shift and driving position (leg room) blew goats.

                      350Z just seems big and fat.. i agree with comments above. the look will not age gracefully imo. But i have never driven one and they do seem to do pretty well on the track.


                        yeah i'd get a 350Z first... the balance is beautiful! It's the first car I can say that is definately a great comprimise between street and track.

                        Secondly: R33 GTR... It's a GTR, full stop! been in one... haven't driven one... but WOW!! My god these things are quick. Would be a great race car!

                        Lastly: R34 GT-T driven a couple before. Umm lets just say... if your leaving it half stock (sussy wise) you'd rather be driving a sydney ferry! Also not that fast in it's stock form... very dissapointing car for me.

                        Edit: don't worry about weight... it's a nissan? They make heavy cars...

                        Originally posted by ChargeR
                        Evo is faster. Only buy the FD2R if you are a Honda fanboy. I would buy the FD2R. I am a Honda fanboy.


                          The RWD Nissan's you have listed are fun, for sure, especially a nicely boosted one. What you miss from the Honda's feel and precision, you get back in thumping power and rwd fun... For a street/track car I think the 350Z is probably best, although a cheap Silvia is lighter and can be boosted easily. I test drove an R33 GTR and the power was amazing, I have also owned 2 R31 2 door Turbo's.

                          (All great cars, but not as easy to track as a DC2R.)


                            hehe im not looking to buy or anything, just interested in peoples opinions on these cars..

                            ive heard such mixed reviews about the z33..the japanese (BMi, keiichi tsuchiya, etc.) dont like it so much, say the vdc is intrusive, the VQ35 is coarse and not fun to thrash, and that its not fast or focused enough, more like an american style GT than a real sports car..
                            but the local car reviewers and UK guys like evo magazine rate it very well and say its a great sports car with brilliant handling and a raw, gutsy engine!

                            ..funny how people assume the weight of cars by their styling and size..
                            ive lost count of how many times ive heard people commenting on EK civic vtir saying it must be fast coz its got the VTEC engine and must be so light! hehe its heavier than DC2R (1131kg vs 1087kg)! just smaller.
                            similarly no-one raves on about the R32 GTR V-Spec being heavy, but its 10kg HEAVIER than the "fat lard-assed" Toyota Supra RZ (1500 vs 1490kg).
                            The R33 GTR weighs 1530kg which is 10kg LESS than the R34 GTR.
                            another case in point: the 350Z track model (thought of as being 'heavy')weighs 1485kg, the latest WRX STi? 1495kg!!! 80kg heavier than the lancer evo9 at 1410kg..and the current M3 weight 1495kg also.
                            ie all of these cars weigh a similar ammount. all are 'heavy' compared to honda sports cars like dc2r, dc5r or s2000..

                            i havnt sampled the 350Z yet, but been in my friends V35 350GT skyline 4-door (auto). cant really comment much as it was just a quick drive round the block but acceleration was quite impressive for an auto sports saloon.

                            i would have though more of you would have selected the GTR as the best of the 3. like vtecmachine said, its a GTR after all..

                            mic, please tell about your r32 GTR driving experience.. whats it like?
                            i also like the R32 GTR, the styling is nice and aggressive and has aged quite well, a classic design i think. but they are getting old now..newest ones will be 14-15 years old.
                            Last edited by szymonsta; 16-02-07, 12:24 PM.
                            "What's the point of racing a car that doesn't look cool?" - Nakai-san, RWB


                              If you're just interested in peoples opinions, why didn't you ask about other nissan cars? For example, the s13, s14 or s15 or the micra. Jing has a micra, which is meant to be great fun to drive.
                              "No Matter that you have a PhD and have read all of Henry James twice. If you still persist in writing, "Good food at it's best", you deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave" (Truss, 2003, p.44).

