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NSW - Annual Shift/OH Wakefield Private Track Day

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    NSW - Annual Shift/OH Wakefield Private Track Day

    Ok, i dont think John was expecting Shift to post this up so early,
    I only just came across it tonight.. so here it is;

    Originally posted by Shift Performance

    Hi Everyone,
    We are pleased to announce that our yearly Track day @ Wakefield Park has been booked for the 10th of July. We have a limited number of spots available and will open this up to anyone interested in the following weeks. Please be sure to check back often for any updates.
    Thats all i know for now,
    Seeing as last yr saw a lot of members from CITR attend and have an awesome time, i thought why not share the love here too.

    Remember, money talks... the first few in with their money/deposits will secure their spots.

    Now i dont really wish to organise money/spots etc here...
    Most of you are members on OH already so please logon and speak to SHIFT
    Alternatively im sure if you know FLY or have him on msn, you can secure spots with him that way.

    Hope to see you all there,
    Tom says: "Now remember kids, offsets are like women... they are best in their teens."